Villagers were added into the blocky universe of Minecraft in the beta 1.9 pre-release update, all the way back in 2011. Since their inception, a lot has changed regarding villager mechanics, with a myriad of new content added by Mojang over the years.
Villagers are one of Minecraft's most sophisticated mobs in terms of behavior traits. Ultimately, this has lead to some interesting and less known quirks to be present in the mob's lore, some of which can be very useful to players.
There are six different types of villagers currently in Minecraft, each with its unique traits.
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Five unknown things about Minecraft villagers
#5 - A secret angry villager texture exists

Inside the code of Minecraft exists an unused "angry villager" texture for the villager. Although not present in the game, players can still take a look at this texture when snooping through the asset files of the game.
Interestingly, some Minecraft servers can also use plugins to utilize this mob's unique appearance.
#4 - Players can hold an item a villager wants to reveal their offering

Gamers can force a villager to quickly show any potential trades in exchange for an item by merely holding said item and approaching a villager.
This little-known fact can actually save players a tremendous amount of time while looking for particular villager trades.
#3 - Throwing snowballs at villagers causes expensive trades

Throwing snowballs at a villager isn't something players are likely doing much of while playing the game.
It's pretty interesting to note, however, that if, for some reason, gamers do decide to throw a snowball at a villager, it will cause this mob to dislike them and offer them worse trades in the long run.
#2 - Notch originally wanted villages to be inhabited by pigmen

When Notch was originally planning for villages, he had initially envisioned them to be inhabited by pigmen.
If this sounds strange, it's because it is. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to walk around a village with pigmen living inside. Besides, many players have come to love the villagers' adorably naive nature in the game.
#1 - Villagers can sleep in any dimension

Unlike players, villagers are able to sleep in any world they so choose. As is pretty standard knowledge, if gamers attempt to sleep in a dimension outside of the overworld, their bed will violently explode.
This means that villagers are the only entity currently in the game with the ability to sleep in both the Nether and End dimensions.
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