In Minecraft, Vindicators are very powerful mobs capable of overwhelming any player who is unprepared for them. Vindicators are illagers with iron axes and will rush at the player or any hostile mob.
Players can find these mobs spawned in illager patrols on hard mode or inside a woodland mansion, usually with an evoker around. Vindicators will sometimes travel around in a patrol with other illager mobs. Here are five things players may not know about Vindicators.
5 things that Minecraft players didn't know about Vindicators
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5) Vindicators hit hard

While players may know that Vindicators are tough foes, they may not know exactly how tough these mobs really are. When a vindicator strikes, it hits for 19 damage. To a player without armor, that is equal to 9 and a half hearts worth of damage. Players may want to armor up or make sure they can take a Vindicator out from a distance if they're going to go toe-to-toe.
4) Naming a Vindicator Johnny

When a player uses a nametag to name a Vindicator Johnny, it causes it to become hostile to all non-illager enemies. This happens because it is a reference to the film The Shining, and it is quite fitting. The Vindicator will attack almost anything, including armor stands, baby villagers, vexes, and ravagers. They will stop at nothing to defeat anything that stands in their way.
3) Vindicators can drop iron armor and tools

When a player defeats a Vindicator, they can drop iron armor as well as iron tools. These can be any of the iron armor pieces or iron tools available in the game. They also have a chance of dropping enchanted books. In addition to these valuable items, they also have a chance of dropping emeralds when defeated. With the looting enchantment, players can gather a maximum of five emeralds after defeating one.
2) Vindicators had their eye color changed

The original Vindicators had their eye color as blue. It was then changed to green to match the other illagers. After a while, Mojang changed their eye color back to blue on Java edition. This is strange as the eyes remain green when playing on Bedrock edition.
1) Vindicators can spawn riding ravagers

When a vindicator spawns, they can be riding a ravager. This creates a vindicator ravager jockey. This mob can be even more daunting as it maintains the damage of the Vindicator with the mobility of the ravager. Players may want to take this fight from afar or be significantly armored up before trying to overtake one of these mobs.
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