Zombies are one of the most well-known mobs in Minecraft.
This mob can also be incredibly annoying as they always seem to pay untimely visits to the player's base in the game.
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What are the things that players didn't know about Zombies in Minecraft?
#5 - Turtle Haters

One of the most horrific features of Minecraft is the fact that zombies will smash any turtle eggs they find on the beach.
Zombies can detect turtle eggs within a 24 block radius. They will move towards them and begin to smash them until they are destroyed. The reason for this feature is unexplained.
#4 - Leader Zombies

Some players may be aware that zombies will call for "reinforcements" in Hard mode. However, some may not be aware of the existence of leader zombies.
A leader zombie is a rare type of zombie that spawns with an added 50%-70% chance of spawning reinforcements. While players won't be able to tell the difference physically, they can identify a leader zombie by the number of reinforcements called in.
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#3 - Door Busters

Zombies have specific mechanics towards doors in the different game difficulties.
On Easy and Normal difficulty, 10% of zombies will bang on wooden doors if there is a target behind them. They will not be able to get through the door, but cracks will start to form on it.
On Hard difficulty, 10% of zombies that bang on the doors will now be able to break in. As a result, players in this mode are recommended to build defenses around their villages.
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#2 - Scavengers

Zombies will sometimes pick up items that are on the ground. This mob tends to pick up the following items:
- Armor
- Pumpkins
- Weapons
- Tools
Zombies will sometimes also swap the item they are holding for a new item that does more damage or has more durability.
#1 - Pumpkin Head

Zombies have a harder time seeing players who have a Carved Pumpkin on their head (Java Edition only).
More specifically, the detection range is halved from a range of 35 blocks to 17.5. This can be an extremely useful tactic when making a night-time resource run.
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