The Glow Squid is a mob that will be added to Minecraft with the Caves and Cliffs update. It won last year's mob vote over the Moobloom and Iceologer.
Due to the unreleased nature of the Glow Squid, many players are unaware of some of its main features.
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5 lesser-known features of the Glow Squid in Minecraft
#5 - Glow Inc Sac

Aside from XP, the Glow Squid's only other drop is the Glow Ink Sac. A Glow Squid can drop one to three of these special sacs upon death.
These sacs can only be used to craft Glow Item Frames and to increase the brightness of text on a sign.
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#4 - No Glow Squid?

Although it may give off the appearance of glowing, Glow Squids do not actually emit any light.
This is highly disappointing to Minecraft players who believed that this mob could serve as a portable light source.
#3 - Spawning

Glow Squids spawn in groups of 2-4. They spawn underground in waters below layer 63. Luckily, they can be found in any biome.
Glow Squids will be easier to find than regular squids due to their visual glow.
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#2 - Strong Swimmers

Unlike most land-based mobs, Glow Squids are very strong swimmers.
This trait means that they can swim through moving water and not be pushed around. This effect can only be seen in the Java Edition of Minecraft.
#1 - Enemy of the Axolotl

The Axolotl, which is another upcoming Minecraft mob, is not a fan of the Glow Squid.
Axolotls will attack Glow Squids on sight. They are extremely territorial and will attack other ocean creatures as well.
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