Silverfish are undoubtedly one of the most horrifying mobs in Minecraft. They are squirmy little creatures with fur who love to sneak in and scare players when they least expect it.
Luckily, Silverfish are pretty rare, and players don't have to look at them for long during meetings. However, players need to be prepared when they run into one.
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5 things players need to know about silverfish in Minecraft
#5 - Spawning Locations

Players must be aware of where silverfish can spawn if they don't want to scream when one pops out of nowhere. They spawn when "infested blocks" are broken.
Silverfish can spawn in the following locations:
- Strongholds (seen above)
- Igloo Basement
- Woodland Mansion fake portal room
- Mountains Biome
#4 - Silk Touch Trick

Many players may be unaware that they can avoid infested blocks with the Silk Touch enchantment.
If the player is aware of nearby blocks that may be infested, they can use a Pickaxe with the Silk Touch enchantment to prevent silverfish from spawning. Players who despise these creepy crawlies will be thankful for this technique.
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#3 - End Portal Room

Players must be aware that End Portal Room will house Silverfish Spawners, which will continuously spawn the creatures until they are broken.
Players can see the spawn in the middle-right of the image above, and players need to break it quickly before it gets out of hand.
#2 - Call for Help

Many players may be unaware that silverfish can call for help in Minecraft. If players hit silverfish, they will "call" other nearby counterparts to come to their aid. Players who silverfish have swarmed were likely experiencing this mechanic.
#1 - Igloo Basement

Players who have discovered an Igloo Basement may be shocked when they discover silverfish in there.
Each Igloo Basement has three infected blocks located inside, with two being Chiseled Stone bricks, and one a Mossy Stone brick.
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