The Warden is one of the most horrifying mobs in all of Minecraft. This is primarily due to its grotesque appearance and its immense damage-dealing capabilities.
There are a couple of things that players need to know about the Warden in order to not be caught off-guard when they encounter it.
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What are the things that players need to know about the Warden in Minecraft?
#5 - It's Blind!

The most important fact for players to know about the Warden is that it is blind.
As seen in the rendition above, the Warden has no eyes. As a result, it relies strictly on vibrations to move around. Players are advised to crouch and slowly move away as soon as they come close to a Warden.
#4 - Use Projectiles

Since the Warden is blind, it cannot tell the difference between an enemy and a projectile landing.
Therefore, players can shoot an arrow or throw a snowball in one direction and attempt to escape in the other direction.
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#3 - Massive Damage

Despite its portrayal in the image above, the Warden deals massive damage to even the most prepared players.
Wardens deal a ridiculous 15 hearts of damage in one hit. This will reduce a player with full Netherite armor to three and a half hearts. This means the Warden can two-shot a player with the strongest armor.
#2 - Core

Players can look at the Warden's abdomen (core) to determine if it is hostile or not.
Its core makes a throbbing sound and emits lighting. This noise will increase in speed when the Warden notices a player. This is a sign that the player should escape as quickly as possible.
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#1 - Don't build up!

Many players know that one of the best ways to avoid mobs is to build three blocks up.
However, this strategy does not work with the Warden. The Warden is 3.5 blocks tall, making it one of the tallest mobs in Minecraft. This massive height will prevent players from quickly building up to avoid damage.
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