Elytra is considered one of the most overpowered items in Minecraft. When players first enter the game, they humbly start their journey by making a small base and fighting normal hostile mobs. However, when players complete the game by killing the dragon, they get to visit End Cities, where they can find this magical item that allows them to glide in the air.
Once players enter the End Realm through the main End Island, they will be able to find End Cities with floating ships. These structures have precious items inside them which can be looted. However, players who are new to these items might have some difficulty in terms of flying, keeping the valuable item intact, and using it efficiently. Here are a few important tips for using an Elytra properly.
Top 5 things to remember and implement after getting an Elytra in Minecraft
5) Practicing how to land

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Once players get the precious item, they can put it on by replacing chestplates on their body. After this, players can press the spacebar to activate the Elytra whenever they fall from a height. The wings will open and the player will start gliding. However, landing is a different story.
If players are gliding too fast while landing, they may hit the blocks and take fall damage anyway. Hence, they must always practice how to land gradually or even quickly change direction just before landing so that it reduces the speed.
4) Always carry a chestplate

Once players have the Elytra, they might swap it with a chestplate and completely forget about it. Flying with the item is so much fun that players might not even keep chestplates in their inventory while exploring several places in the game.
However, danger is always looming in the game and if players get stuck in a difficult situation amongst strong hostile mobs, they might want to swap back to chestplate to protect themselves.
3) Repairing Elytra

Once players start using Elytra with fireworks to properly fly, they will notice that the valuable item has limited durability. If they overuse the item, it might break and be unusable, even if it does not vanish.
Players can repair the item on the anvil with Phantom Membranes to prevent the item from breaking. These items can be found by killing Phantoms, a hostile mob that only spawns at night if a player has not slept for more than 3 in-game days.
2) Mending Enchantment

One of the most useful enchantments in the game is mending. When applied to a piece of gear, that gear can absorb any XP points that a player picks to repair itself.
This is a brilliant way to protect an Elytra from breaking. Players can simply hold the enchanted item in their hands and pick up XP points to repair it.
1) Creeper and Sugarcane farm

Once players get the valuable item from End Cities, they will be able to glide down from a high altitude. However, if players want to use it to properly fly in the game, they will need fireworks.
When players activate their wings and right-click with the fireworks, they will launch themselves forward. This mechanic can be used to effectively fly in the game. However, players might need a lot of fireworks in order to keep doing this.
The only way to obtain fireworks is by crafting them with gunpowder and paper. Once players have an Elytra, they should always keep Creeper and Sugarcane farms at their disposal. This will give them loads of gunpowder and paper, from which they can craft fireworks.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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