In Minecraft there is both an overworld and a Nether. The overworld is where the player will automatically spawn when entering Minecraft while the Nether can only be accessed by entering a Nether portal.
Players can craft a Nether portal by creating a 4x5 rectangle. The portal has to be crafted out of obsidian.
They can only acquire obsidian by finding it (extremely rare), or turning lava into obsidian by pouring water on it. Players will need a diamond pickaxe or higher in order to mine obsidian.
The Nether is way different than the overworld.
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The mobs in the Nether are much more hostile and one block in overworld is equivalent to eight blocks in the Nether.
For example, if a player travels five blocks up in the overworld, that is equal to 40 blocks in the Nether. Minecraft users should make sure they are well prepared before going into the Nether.
In this article, players will learn five tips to surviving the Nether in Minecraft.
5 tips to remember to survive the Minecraft Nether
Remember the Nether portal location

It is very important to remember the location of the Nether portal. When players place the portal in the overworld and enter it, they will spawn inside of a Nether portal in the Nether.
Players should be sure to remember these coordinates when stepping out of the Nether portal. They will need to go back through this portal in order to get back to the overworld.
Players can make another portal, however, it will spawn them somewhere differently.
Wear Armor

The Nether is full of lava and plenty of hostile mobs. Lava is very harmful to players, and they can drown upon falling into it.
Subsequently, players will lose all of their items in the lava, leaving them unretrievable.
There are also mobs in the Nether that are extremely hostile towards players no matter what. Mobs such as blaze, piglin brutes, wither skeletons, and other mobs can severely harm players in the Nether.
Wearing armor will provide the player with a little more protection when exploring the Nether. They will be able to suffer a little less damage when falling into lava or getting attacked by mobs.
Use enchantments

Players can place enchantments on armor and weapons to make them stronger and to provide themselves with a little more protection. Enchantments can be placed on armor to add protection against specific elements, like fire for example.
The fire protection enchantment in Minecraft can be added to armor to provide players with a little extra protection against fire and lava. Since the Nether is full of lava, and blaze attack players using fire, this enchantment will be very helpful.
Have lots of supplies

There aren't very many food sources in the Nether that players can find. When in Minecraft survival, unless the game mode is peaceful, the player's food bar will deplete whenever lots of movement is done.
Players should take lots of food with them before entering the Nether. It could be awhile before they get out, and players will want to make sure that they have enough food to not die of starvation.
Watch out for mobs

Mobs in the Minecraft Nether are much more hostile than overworld mobs. Players should be mindful of them and be sure to have a good sustainable weapon to fight off the mobs when entering the Nether.
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