Iron is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, especially for newer players.
Iron is one of the most basic ores in Minecraft. It can be found in caves, ravines, and occasionally on the sides of mountains. Iron ore and coal are often found in the same area. Iron ore can also be found in some villages and select dungeons.
It must be mined with a cobblestone pickaxe and must be smelted in a furnace to make iron ingots. Iron ingots are an essential part of any Minecraft player's gameplay.
Iron ingots can then be crafted into many different things.
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5 uses for iron in Minecraft
#1 - Create tools

Iron tools are only one step below diamond tools. They may not last as long as diamond tools, but they can still be very useful. Players can use iron ingots to craft tools such as flint and steel, pickaxes, axes, hoes, swords, shovels, sheers, and crossbows. Iron tools are a requirement to achieve any diamonds. This makes iron a necessity for players.
#2 - Armor

Iron armor is extremely useful for players who expect to fight mobs. It takes a lot of resources to create any armor type. Since iron has greater availability than the more durable diamond armor, it is the more commonly used.
Players can enchant iron armor to become more durable and protect the player. Sometimes, enchantments can make iron armor slightly stronger than unenchanted diamond armor.
#3 - Trading

Novice-level weaponsmith villagers will almost always trade players four iron ingots for one emerald. If the player has a surplus of iron, this could be a very useful trade. However, players who lack diamond armor or other advanced materials should not be looking to make these trades. Iron is far too valuable for newer players to be used for trade.
#4 - Smelting and other useful blocks

Iron is a key ingredient in many useful recipes. These useful blocks are advanced furnaces like blast furnaces but also range to anvils, which allow players to use name tags, repair damaged items, and combine enchantments.
Without iron, players wouldn't be able to reach the high enchantment levels in the game or use many necessary and practical blocks.
Other useful iron inclusive recipes are for smithing tables, stonecutters, and pistons.
#5 - Railways

Once a player is advanced enough, they might consider creating rails to go through the mines. When players have mined to the world border, a mine rail is necessary for speeding up travel.
Iron ingots are necessary for the rail and the minecart. If players choose to pursue extensive mine rails, they will need a large surplus of iron ingots.
Iron ingots are also used in creating different types of minecarts, such as the regular, the chest Minecraft, and the furnace minecart.
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