Minecraft has a variety of useful items and blocks, such as Netherite tools, Elytra, powerful potions and enchantment books. However, it also has low-tier items that are only mildly useful or serve almost no function at all.
Players may want to avoid such low-tier items unless they absolutely need them. As such, it's important to know which items in the game are valued the lowest due to their lack of significant uses.
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Useless items in Minecraft that are best avoided
5) Snowballs

Snowballs are a throwable combat item in Minecraft. However, they have very few uses.
While snowballs can be thrown at mobs and other entities, they only deal damage to Blazes. When striking Blazes, snowballs deal one-and-a-half hearts of damage. This is quite negligible compared to hitting them with arrows or melee weapons.
Snowballs are fun for snowball fights. They also have limited use in PvP when opponents are towering (building tall block towers for height advantage). Other than these uses, they don't serve any significant purpose.
4) Goat Horns

A recent addition to Bedrock Edition, goat horns are obtained from goats when they ram into a solid block while charging. Mojang has stated that they have plans incoming for this particular item. However, at the moment, it is only capable of making a sound.
When used by the player, the goat horn will make a sound similar to the noise that emerges when a village raid happens. Until Mojang implements additional uses for it in future updates, the goat horn isn't good for anything other than making noise.
3) Spyglass

Recently introduced alongside amethysts in Minecraft's Caves & Cliffs update, spyglasses were initially thought to be an interesting vision tool. Sadly, they tend to be more inhibiting than helpful.
Spyglasses magnify a player's vision over distance. However, the player's peripheral vision is obscured while using the item.
Minecraft players are already capable of zooming in over medium distances and can even change their field of view in the settings. This fact renders the spyglass obsolete.
Spyglasses tend to be problematic for a player's vision unless they're attempting to spot one thing in particular.
2) Golden Hoes

Although hoes are useful for tilling terrain into farmland in Minecraft, golden hoes perform the same function at a highly reduced durability.
Since tilling usually removes one durability point for each use, golden hoes can only be used effectively 32 times before breaking. This makes them even weaker in durability than wooden hoes.
One could argue that some gold tools are useful since they harvest blocks quickly. However, the golden hoe lacks this upside and breaks too quickly to be considered a useful farming tool.
1) Poisonous Potatoes

Poisoned potatoes have long been considered the most useless item in all of Minecraft. They have exactly one application, and it's a bad one. When eaten by a player, poisonous potatoes deal poison damage to them over time.
Poison potatoes can neither be used to craft other items nor can they be discarded in a composter for bone meal. They also can't be used in potions.
So far, poison potatoes only serve to kill or injure the player in the game.
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