Minecraft has had the same overall textures in the game since its inception. Over the last 13 years, the game has changed but not much. The textures from 2009 are not the same as they are now, but they are close enough that they look like the same items. Sometimes, players want a more visual overhaul in the game, which is why texture and resource packs are so useful.
Texture packs can be applied in Minecraft, which can change a lot about the game. Sometimes, they make things look entirely different. When the texture pack is turned off, the build that looked fine in the texture pack can look awful.
However, players only want subtle changes sometimes, which are often referred to as vanilla tweaks. Some resource packs can do that effectively. Here are a few examples.
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Minecraft textures that only tweak the vanilla version
6) Bedrock Tweaks

This website allows players to select from a wide variety of textures. They have a new clean wool texture. If that doesn't work for the players, they also have a softer texture. They have a pack that can put red flowers on an iron golem. The list is long and very customizable for each player.
5) Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack 1.18.1

Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack breathes life into the game. It doesn't make very many huge, sweeping changes, but it does improve the game a lot. One simple change they have implemented is grass shading. Grass color changes by biome, but as anyone with a yard knows, the grass can change from one spot to the other. This texture pack recognizes that and implements it to stunning success.
4) VanillaXBR Minecraft Texture Pack

This texture pack is one of the best for vanilla tweaks. If players don't look closely, they might not even be able to tell if it's a different texture. In fact, many of the textures look the same even though they are actually different. The best way to tell is to look at the mobs. in the game
Skeletons and cows are the best mobs to illustrate this, but even they look close enough to their original texture. Just for vanilla tweaks, this is a good pack.
3) Connected Vanilla Tweaks Ore Borders

The best vanilla tweaks packs only change a few things. In this case, they are only changing how ores look. However, the change is not a drastic one. Instead of the stone part blending into the block beside it, each ore will have a solid border of whatever resource it is.
This doesn't change anything about the game and it probably won't even help players that much, but it looks good and should honestly be a part of the vanilla game.
2) Blue Cod- Captain's Vanilla Texture

Just based on memory, many Minecraft players won't remember exactly what cod looks like. When presented with these two images, it's likely that they would agree that the blue looks better. Once again, this changes nothing about functionality or even make it harder to see or find them. It just looks good, and it's a texture pack everyone should try out.
1) Stark's Vanilla Texture Tweaks
This texture pack is only for changing weapon and tool textures. Due to its vanilla nature, it also doesn't change them that much. Diamond swords and pickaxes look almost identical in the game. The diamond axe and shovel look similar, too. The biggest change can be seen in the hoe and the other rarities of weapons. Wooden tools that admittedly don't get used much look a lot better in their vanilla counterpart.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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