Villagers are passive mobs in Minecraft with whom players can interact and trade various items. Trading can only be done with villagers who have a certain job, like a librarian, fletcher, cleric, cartographer, etc. Different professional villagers and different trades based on their jobs. Among their trades, some great deals can help players a lot in earning emeralds or get great loot.
Here is a list of six overpowered villager trades in Minecraft.
List of 6 overpowered Minecraft villager trades
1) Fletcher's stick trade

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Fletcher is a villager who trades everything related to ranged weapons like bows, arrows, and crossbows. One of his first trades as a professional villager is that it takes 32 sticks from a player for one emerald. This trade is considered overpowered since players can easily craft loads of sticks by chopping down trees and obtaining a bunch of emeralds.
This trade is considered one of the best to get rich in Minecraft.
2) Librarian's mending enchantment trade

Librarians are by far the most popular professional villagers since they trade all kinds of enchantments in the form of enchanted books. One of the best trades to get from a librarian is a mending enchanted book for cheap. Librarians usually take anywhere between five and 64 emeralds and one book for mending.
The trick to get mending enchantment is to repeatedly break and place a librarian's lectern block to reshuffle their trades.
3) Cleric's rotten flesh trade

The cleric is a villager who can buy rotten flesh from players with emeralds. Since the cleric uses a brewing stand as a job site and deals various potion-related items, it takes 32 rotten flesh for one emerald.
After playing for a while, players will have lots of rotten flesh if they fight with zombies. This useless zombie flesh can be traded with a cleric for a good amount of emeralds. It can work as an emerald farm if players have a mob farm that collects stacks of rotten flesh.
4) Librarian's infinity enchantment trade

Infinity is an overpowered enchantment that allows a bow to shoot infinite arrows as long as one arrow is present in a player's inventory. Since librarians give the infinity enchantment, this trade also becomes overpowered. Players can reshuffle the trade by breaking and placing a lectern in order to find the infinity enchantment at a low cost.
5) Farmer's carrot trade

Farmers are simple professional villagers who work in the village's farm if they naturally spawn in the structure. A regular villager can also be employed as a farmer using a composter. There is a strong chance that the farmer's first trade can be 22 carrots for one emerald. This is a great trade since players can grow lots of carrots after obtaining them from a village and then selling them to the farmer.
Moreover, if players create a carrot farm using several farmers, they can work on the farm and grow carrots faster. The same carrots can then be sold to them for one emerald. This way, players can create an emerald farm using a carrot farm.
6) Librarian's protection 4 enchantment trade

Since Minecraft is a survival game, players usually tend to focus on their protection against all kinds of dangers. While armor can offer protection, it can further be strengthened using protection enchantments. Protection enchantment's highest level is four, which massively increases the damage protection of each armor set. Librarians can offer protection level 4 enchantment for a certain amount of emeralds.
Though players can also get the power-up from an enchanting table, there is no guarantee that the table will offer players the topmost enchantment. Hence, trading with a librarian to get one is a better method.
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