Redstone is a near-limitless material in Minecraft. This is due to its capability to make countless contraptions both large and small, utilizing machinery and circuit logic to automate processes and even to entertain.
Throughout the years of Minecraft's existence, players have created some truly astonishing redstone builds. There's surely nothing wrong with building a simple machine to help a player harvest crops or move about, but the potential of redstone is much more vast than that. Some players have harnessed this potential in remarkable ways, and it doesn't hurt to take a look of some of the most breathtaking redstone builds ever conceived.
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Minecraft: Incredible redstone builds that serve as inspiration to the community
1) 32-Bit calculator

It's truly amazing as to what sophisticated redstone machinery can accomplish in Minecraft, and this calculator is a perfect example. Created by an individual named by Kirk Hendrix, this labor of love is a fully-functional 32-bit calculator that can perform just about any operation a player can expect from the calculator type.
It may seem like a lot of work to enact in order to perform mathematical tasks in Minecraft, but the fact that this was physically constructed by a player using redstone logic is truly a sight to behold.
2) Redstone tetris

Taking the mathematical approach of the calculator and applying it in a spatial sense, this Minecraft build by MattBatWings is truly incredible. Through Matt Batwings' efforts, he managed to create a fully-interactive and playable game of Tetris.
The game even keeps score and informs players of their next piece much like the original Tetris would. It's frankly head-scratching to imagine how this must have been programmed within Minecraft's engine using only redstone and its accompanying blocks, but the final result will stand the test of time.
3) Playable guitar

Created by the redstone savant FVDisco, this massive Minecraft instrument is fully capable of playing any note one might expect from a traditional guitar. Players can not only play, like the Tetris game previously listed, but they can create if they want as well.
Whether its a small jingle or a full-blown song, it's possible for players to harness the sheer power of redstone in order to create wonderful music all inside the game itself.
4) Working movie theater

Mumbo Jumbo has long been one of the Mincraft community's most visible and beloved redstone builders. He creates a steady stream of content centered around using redstone for the betterment of a player's experience, and also features simple innovative builds that may not have been addressed before.
This build has certainly been thought of before, but Mumbo Jumbo is one of the builders that managed to bring it to life. Complete with note blocks, automatic lights, and a moving screen animation, Mumbo Jumbo created a magnificent in-game theater that players can potentially recreate for their own needs, albeit via a tricky process.
5) Mega walking robot

While true robotics may be somewhat out of the scope of what redstone can accomplish in Minecraft, that doesn't mean it can't be emulated masterfully. There is no better example than this slime-based build from Mumbo Jumbo.
Using an interconnected system of slime blocks, redstone blocks, and pistons, Mumbo was capable of creating a large robotic entity that can move forward under its own power once activated. Players can even take their spot on top of the robot, looking down below to onlookers marveling at the magnificence of the machine.
6) Mumo Jumbo's vault door

This is the redstone build in Minecraft that Mumbo Jumbo almost had to take time away from due to frustration. This vault door is the stuff of legend for redstone engineers.
Based off his original blueprint of a 4x4 vault door, this door is a huge step up. Combining two of his favorite piston door designs, Mumbo created an automated door with a very cool opening and closing animation.
Minecraft players can view through the vault door due to its interior window before flipping the switch and witnessing the interior frame of the door shift away along with the window panes, leaving a perfect tunnel to walk through. Once players have finished, they simply need to throw the switch again and watch as the original vault door frame folds back to the center, complete with its window paneling.
7) A functional computer

Created in 2013 by the redstone guru LPG, this computer is one of the most incredible builds not only among redstone structures, but in all of Minecraft itself.
The build features a mouse and keyboard complete with monitor and speakers, and there's even a facsimile of an operating system that players can use to select from the multiple apps available on the computer. Among these apps, players can use a calculator function, a music player, or a text processor.
The sheer knowledge it must have taken to pull this build off is astounding, and it's a testament to what Minecraft players can accomplish creatively.
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