Badlands are one of Minecraft's newer biomes, which are rife with plenty of mineshafts to explore and ores to mine, as well as being the only place where players can collect terracotta naturally in Survival Mode.
Due to its richness in unique blocks and ores, badlands are sought after by many Minecraft players. Badlands are somewhat rare compared to biomes like forest, plains, or deserts, but they still generate in many world seeds.
Numerous players have shared their seeds that have featured some incredibly impressive badlands biomes within. These seeds are definitely worth a look for those searching for excellent badlands biomes this year.
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Great badlands seeds to enjoy in Minecraft
7) Desert Village in Badlands (66548779546641)

This seed is a solid option for Minecraft players wanting a quick start in a badlands biome. From the spawn, the village is only a short walk away at (X: -295, Y: 67, Z: -195), and players can also find a floating ruined Nether portal nearby at (X: -380, Y: 63, Z: 154) to get to the fiery dimension a little faster since ruined portals require less obsidian to complete and activate.
The village itself may have some flint and steel available, making it even easier to get to the Nether when players are ready.
6) Jungle/Badlands Combo Seed (-9135439529496606179)

For Minecraft players that appreciate a little biome diversity, this seed features jungle biomes and a badlands biome a short walk from spawn.
When players head east from their initial meadow spawn point, they'll encounter a jungle to trek through before reaching a wooded badlands. If players continue in their current direction, they can also find a sizable desert that includes a village at (X:1,440, Z: -224), a pillager outpost nearby at (X:1,696, Z: -336), and an additional village at (X: 1,936, Z: -240).
This can be a great place to participate in raids, thanks to the proximity between the villages and the pillager outpost.
5) Badlands with Lush Cave System (-2606690663582892128) (Java Edition Only)

Lush caves are relatively new biomes in Minecraft and don't often spawn above ground. This seed combines a badlands biome with a massive lush cave system that players can openly enter from ground level. They will start in a stony shore biome but have a badlands biome directly in front of them as well as one to the east past a desert.
Minecraft players in a hurry to check out the lush cave biome inside the badlands will want to head to the coordinates (X: -1109, Y: 77, Z: 411).
4) Large Wooded Badlands at Spawn (-897129264)

This seed is perfect if Minecraft players simply want to start in a vast badlands biome. Players spawn within a wooded badlands biome adjacent to an ocean. If they head north, west, or south from their spawn, they'll also find standard badlands biomes surrounding the wooded badlands.
There's also a ruined portal incredibly close to players' spawn at approximately (X: 56, Z: 200) for when they want to depart to the Nether.
If Minecraft players are searching for badlands, they need not look further than this seed.
3) Badlands/Jungle/Desert Island

This Minecraft seed doesn't start players off on its titular island, but the transit time to it isn't too much to ask. Players can simply head north to approximately (X: 68, Y: 122, Z: -473), where they can find a magnificent island surrounded by a small river out letting into the sea.
This island is partially comprised of badlands but jungle as well. Players who head further north of the island's center can also find a desert biome, creating a location with amazing biome diversity. With all three biomes providing excellent access to building materials, this island, a short distance from spawn, is a fantastic building location in Minecraft.
2) Badlands Cliffs Overlooking Coral Reef (-78688046)

If you enjoy taking quality screenshots in your Minecraft world, this may be the seed to do it with, or at the very least one of them. From the spawn point, all players need to do is climb the cliffs to the left. As they move northward from their spawn point, they'll find that the massive badlands biome they started in also encompasses a river with a coral reef.
This is a rare generational phenomenon and looks absolutely striking. Flip on your best mods, shaders, and filters, there's a lot of beauty to be had merely from this Minecraft seed's spawn point.
1) Badlands Coral Cove (6558412823337371180) (Java Edition Only)

Not only is this seed visually striking, but it has plenty of great materials to mine as well. The area in question isn't at the Minecraft world's spawn point, but it's most certainly worth the walk.
At (X: -578, Y: 70, Z: -440), players can find a massive badlands biome reaching high into the skybox surrounding a lake filled with a coral reef. That's only the beginning, as players can find mineshafts at (X: -712, Z: -264) and (X: -488, Z: -248). There's also a shipwreck to explore at (X: -538, Y: 64, Z: -573), a village at (X: -1377, Y: 63, Z: -1636), and a pillager outpost at (X: -1426, Y: 72, Z: -687). The lake cove also has a large number of caves worth exploring.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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