When playing a vast open-world game like Minecraft, one of the biggest hurdles in the player's journey is the need for more resources. There are many things the player needs when performing even the most basic tasks, and having to farm items can get very frustrating.
Arguably no other mob in the game can provide the number of items villagers can give to the player through trading. Trading can be created by placing a job site block near an unemployed villager.
Right-clicking on a trader reveals their offer, and if one doesn't have a trade offer the player was looking for, breaking and re-placing the job block can change their trades.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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Best villager trades in Minecraft
7) Emeralds in exchange for rotten flesh

This trade is beneficial for players that have a mob tower in Minecraft. This is because the mob tower generates a lot of items, one of which is rotten flesh. Rotten flesh is useless to players and only takes up space in their mob farm's chests.
With a brewing stand, players can turn villagers into clerics. Even novice-level clerics will take rotten flesh and give emeralds in return.
6) Wheat for emeralds

A farmer villager is something players will often come across in villages that have a small farms. Even a novice-level farmer villager will offer an emerald in exchange for twenty wheat. This is an excellent way of getting a lot of emeralds, as wheat is very easy and efficient to grow.
Players can get wheat seeds by punching the grass and planting them on farmland blocks. For those unaware, farmland blocks are created when the player uses a hoe on a dirt or grass block.
5) Explorer maps for emeralds and compasses
Cartographers are some of the game's most neglected traders, but they offer something useful. It is the explorer maps that make having cartographers more useful traders.
Players can locate rare structures, such as woodland mansions and ocean monuments, using explorer maps, and collect the loot hidden inside their chests.
4) Ender pearl for emeralds
Clerics can also provide ender pearls in exchange for emeralds in Minecraft. The trade, however, is quite expensive, as players will need to give five emeralds to get a single pearl. Therefore, it is recommended that players zombify and cure their clerics to lower the costs.
Zombifying villagers in Minecraft benefit players looking for rare items or lower prices for trades. When a villager is zombified, it becomes a zombie villager that can be cured with a potion of weakness and a golden apple.
Once the zombie villager is cured, it will regain its original profession and offer the same items for a cheaper cost.
3) Enchanted diamond armor in exchange for emerald

Having good armor is crucial to surviving in the world of Minecraft easily. Diamond armor is craftable but requires a lot of diamonds. So for most people, trading emeralds with an armorer for diamond armor items is much more efficient.
These items also come with low-level enchantments, some of which might be worth holding onto. Players can create an armorer using a blast furnace as a job site block if the village lacks an armorer.
2) Enchanted diamond tools for emeralds

Similar to weaponsmiths in Minecraft, the toolsmith offers enchanted diamond items. However, instead of diamond armor items, the items provided by them are diamond tools such as the pickaxe. Toolsmith's job site block is a smithing table that can be crafted using four planks and two iron ingots.
1) Enchanted books for emeralds
Enchanting items is a great way to improve an item in multiple aspects. However, not all high-level enchantments are offered by the enchanting table.
Having a librarian offer rare enchantments such as Mending and Fortune III can be very beneficial. The best thing about trading is that players can get as much of something as they want.
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