Banners are one of the coolest things in Minecraft. Players can make and place them to decorate, but they also have a practical use. With a level one locator map, players can ping the banner and it will show up on their map, which will help them find the location easier.
They can be made by crafting them in a crafting table with six sticks and one wool, which will make a basic design based on the color of the wool. Putting them into a Minecraft loom will allow players to make pretty cool designs. Here are some of the coolest designs to make.
Minecraft banners: Cool designs to try
7) Brick pattern
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There are several slots in the loom: one is for the banner, one for the dye and another for a pattern item. Minecraft players can put a color in and a brick block and the banner will come out with a brick pattern, which is one of the coolest and simplest patterns available. Gamers can edit it further, but the basic brick pattern is good on its own.
6) Vine pattern

Vines can be added in the same way that brick blocks can. This will create a unique pattern that looks similar to the vine pattern. Green makes the most sense with this pattern since it is based on flora, but all colors will work. Gamers can decide that for themselves.
5) Flower symbol

Interestingly enough, not all flowers go into a banner. Oxeye daisies do, though, and they create one of the best banner patterns in the game. It makes a simple flower logo of sorts, but it's a very beautiful design.
Oxeye daisies are also pretty easy to acquire to make this banner.
4) Skull and crossbones pattern
Unlike the creeper head and other mob heads, Wither skeleton skulls are much easier to get. Wither skeletons have a chance to drop them when killed ordinarily, and Looting increases that chance. Minecraft players need them for spawning the Wither, but extras can be made into a great banner.
3) Mojang logo

An enchanted golden apple is one of the rarest items in the game. It cannot be crafted and is one of the most infrequent loot items to stumble across. It also has several better uses than being put in a banner, but the result is pretty good. It produces the official Mojang logo, which is quite impressive.
2) Creeper pattern
Creeper heads are very difficult to obtain. A charged creeper can cause the Minecraft mob in its blast radius to drop their head, but it's a very rare occurrence. Still, there aren't many better uses for a creeper head than making it show up on the banner in a cool pattern.
It's also one of the most recognizable logos that players can get on their banner.
1) Enderman pattern
The best pattern is an Enderman one, but it's not as simple as other banners. It requires several steps with different patterns used, so it is a challenge. The video above has a great tutorial and there is a step-by-step guide here. It's difficult, but well worth the struggle.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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