Status effects have been an inextricable part of Minecraft. Since the introduction of potions in 2011, players have enjoyed access to a wide bunch of status effects, which can be either beneficial or harmful. However, what truly matters is how they can be used to enhance your gameplay. Minecraft has nearly 30 unique status effects, most of which are useless for the average player.
Most players only use effects like Strength, Weakness, Night Vision, and Water Breathing in their playthroughs. Therefore, numerous status effects go unrecognized. Some status effects are locked behind commands and remain exclusive to either Bedrock or Java Edition. In this article, players can learn about some lesser-known status effects in Minecraft.
Minecraft status effect players most likely don't know about
1) Nausea

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Just like nausea in real life, Minecraft's corresponding effect isn't pleasant. Under this effect, a player's vision is affected as the screen starts to wobble. Those interested in experiencing nausea can eat a pufferfish to gain the status effect. This is the only way to get nausea in Minecraft.
Surprisingly, some mobs also face the effects of nausea. When a zombie villager is cured, it is affected by nausea for a short amount of time. Hoglins, piglins, and piglin brutes also face this effect when they turn into their zombified variants.
2) Glowing

Glowing status can be pretty fun to use in PVP fights. Players can inflict glowing status on mobs and more by attacking them with a spectral arrow. This status effect will make the outline of the marked entity glow and show through even blocks.
Players can also see the glowing status in action during raids in villages. Simply ring a bell to make any nearby witches and illagers glow up.
3) Blindness

Blindness is one of the scariest status effects in Minecraft. Most players don't know about this condition as it is inflicted by illusioners, a mob exclusive to Java Edition that can only be summoned using commands.
Blindness status can also be gained from a suspicious stew crafted using an azure bluet flower. It only lasts for eight seconds. Hopefully, Mojang will consider adding illusioners to Minecraft in future updates for players to experience a new fun mini-boss with a scary status effect.
4) Darkness

Darkness definitely takes the title of the scariest status effect as it completely darkens the player's screen, making them unable to see anything. They can experience the horror of the darkness effect by visiting deep dark caves and activating sculk shrieker blocks.
The darkness effect is also inflicted by the warden. When the mob begins crawling out of the ground, all nearby players will get the darkness status effect. It will be refreshed every few seconds as long as the warden is active.
5) Luck and Bad Luck

Many players are unaware of the luck status effect in Minecraft. Apparently, there is both luck and bad luck status effect. However, these don't work exactly as one may expect.
Having more luck only improves the chances of getting better loot from fishing and extra enchantments while using the enchantment table. Bad luck is just the opposite of the effect mentioned above. Both status effects are only available in Java Edition.
6) Dolphin's Grace

Just like luck and bad luck, dolphin's grace is another Java-exclusive status effect. When players are near a dolphin, they will gain its grace status effect, giving them a swimming speed boost. As a result, many players like to search for a dolphin when out for a swim or keep one near their base.
7) Fatal Poison
Fatal poison is a Bedrock-exclusive status effect. Most players know about the regular poison effect, which chips away at the affected mob or player's health until there is only half a heart left. On the other hand, the fatal version will inflict damage just like poison but has the potential to kill the target.
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