Some Minecraft blocks are harder to find than others. For example, end stone is much more difficult to come by than sand. Ancient Debris is much more challenging to obtain than Netherrack. That's just the natural way of the game. Some blocks are rarer than others.
Many of these might not seem rare, but they're very difficult to find. Counting those added in the Minecraft 1.18 update, these seven blocks are among the rarest in the game.
Minecraft 1.18 blocks that are incredibly rare
7) Grass block
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Grass blocks may not seem like a rare Minecraft block. Most biomes are full of them. However, obtaining one is quite difficult. There are only two ways of doing it. First, players can kill an Enderman holding one and hope that they drop it. Looting enchanted swords will help that to occur.
The second method is to use a Silk Touch shovel, but those are not very common either. Most players don't use Silk Touch and wouldn't think to add it to a shovel for grass blocks, either.
6) Deepslate copper ore
Copper ore is very common underground but is far more common above Y level 0. Several other ores are found there, but copper is one of the most common. However, copper becomes far more scarce when players get to the deepslate level, which is below Y level 0. Finding deepslate copper ore is a rare occurrence.
5) Deepslate coal ore
The same logic that applies to copper applies to coal. Above Y level 0, it's incredibly common. Players can find massive veins of it and come out with coal stacks. However, below level 0, it's much rarer. It's also harder to see since the ore is black and the deepslate blocks are darker than normal stone.
4) Sponges
Sponges can only be found in one place: Ocean Monuments. On their own, those are pretty rare and difficult to find. There are only two ways to get sponges inside these monuments. First, Minecraft gamers can kill Elder Guardians and get a few sponges.
Second, and far more complex, is finding the sponge room. This room can have 30 blocks of sponges but is incredibly difficult to find. Ocean Monuments are challenging to navigate anyway.
3) Ancient Debris
Ancient Debris is very rare, so Netherite is so hard to get. Ancient Debris can spawn in the Nether only, increasing the rarity. On top of that, it only spawns from Y level 11 to 30, so it only has a small range. Finally, Ancient Debris can spawn up to three blocks per chunk, so crafters who find it are very lucky.
2) Gilded Blackstone
Gilded Blackstone only generates in bastion remnants, which are arguably the rarest structure in the game. A Gilded Blackstone block is pretty rare even in the remnant, though they can usually be found below chests. It can drop itself or gold nuggets when mined, so even finding one doesn't guarantee that Minecraft players will come away with it.
1) Deepslate emerald ore
Emerald ore is one of the rarest ores in the game. It only generates in Extreme Hills biomes, one of the rarest biomes in the game. Deepslate only occurs under level 0, where emeralds are not too common (they most commonly spawn from level 31 to level 4). These factors make deepslate emerald ore one of the most challenging blocks to find in Minecraft.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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