Throughout the 20 seasons of Fortnite, there have been plenty of weapons. Different guns, different rarities, and even completely different weapons have all been active at one point or another.
Some routinely enter and exit the vault, like the Heavy Sniper Rifle. Others haven't been back since they were first vaulted, like The Avenger's Mythic weapons from 2019.
They are all fairly unique and have varying levels of fun. Different guns provide different features for players, which can change the game. Here are a few examples of the most fun weapons in Fortnite history.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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Fortnite's most fun weapons ranked
8) Boom Sniper Rifle
The Boom Sniper Rifle has to be one of the most fun weapons. Sure, a headshot with it won't kill anyone (no snipers can do that anymore), but it's still enjoyable to stick someone with a clinger from such a long distance.
It makes aim a little less important, making it one of the easiest snipers to use.

What's more fun than a classic? Many players were disappointed when the SCAR was vaulted for Chapter 3.
While MK-Seven, Striker Burst, and even the Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle are good, SCAR is the most fun. The day it comes back to the game will be a great day for Fortnite players.
6) Infinity Gauntlet
The Avengers Limited Time Mode was one of the best for a few reasons. At first, Avenger's weapons were insanely fun to use. Second, picking up the Infinity Gauntlet and becoming Thanos was fun.
Playing as Thanos before there was a Thanos skin was incredible, and the powers the gauntlet granted were insane.
5) Sideways Minigun
This entry could just be for Miniguns, though the Sideways Minigun is one of the best. Miniguns are the epitome of spray and pray, which is a pretty fun way to play.
They can deal so much damage and destroy all the builds in their path. The minigun is vaulted for now, but there's no reason to think it won't eventually return.
4) Huntmaster Saber's Scoped Assault Rifle
The Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle is one of the best guns in the game. The range, damage, firing rate, and thermal sight make it so easy to use.
The Mythic version that can be acquired after killing Huntmaster Saber is the best version and is fun to carry.
3) Stormbreaker
Like all The Avenger's Mythics, Stormbreaker was a lot of fun. It was so much fun to wield it like Thor and feel worthy while also throwing it and dealing significant damage to the Chitauri.
It is truly a shame that Stormbreaker, Captain America's Shield, Iron Man's Repulsors, and Hawkeye's Bow are vaulted and not even available in Creative.
2) The Dub

The Dub is probably the best Exotic weapon in the game now. Concerning the Shadow Tracker and the Boom Sniper Rifle, The Dub deals so much damage and can be an effective escape tool.
Being able to deal around 140 damage and put some significant distance between oneself and their enemy is so much fun.
1) Lightsabers
This may be a bit of recency bias, but Lightsabers are the most fun weapon to ever land on the island. Fortnite characters, as well as Star Wars, Marvel, DC, and other characters wielding a Lightsaber will never be uncool.
Lightsabers are also fun to use because they serve as offensive and defensive weapons. They will hopefully land in Fortnite Creative mode next.