YouTuber KianKSG takes viewers on a full exploration of the Dream SMP Minecraft seed in one of his recent videos.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Yqe, Isded, and other redditors, the exact seed used on the Dream SMP Minecraft server has been discovered. The seed in question is for Java Edition and is 5826025064014972987.
A link to the discovery post on reddit, along with credits to those involved in the comments, can be found here.
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Minecraft players are free to create a new world and explore the seed that Dream and his friends use for themselves. As an alternative, everyone who is interested in the Dream SMP seed can also sit back, relax, and enjoy a full exploration that was recorded by KianKSG
This article will be showcasing not only the discovery of the Dream SMP seed, but also feature a full exploration of the seed itself.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
A full exploration of the Dream SMP Minecraft seed
Enthusiasts of the Dream SMP can enjoy a full exploration of the seed by YouTuber KianKSG. He showcases where the locations are for many of the popular builds and creations that are on the official Dream SMP world.
Locations of interest that players can expect to find include the original spawn point, the community portal, the community house, Fundy's secret base, Skeppy and BadBoyHalo's mansion, and so much more.
Minecraft players are welcome to recreate these famous builds into their own world with the exact same seed as the Dream SMP. Perhaps a group of Minecraft players could transform a world using this seed into an even more spectacular creation.

People who are interested in playing in and exploring the Dream SMP Minecraft seed are free to do so. All players need to do is go and create a new Java Edition world and use the seed: 5826025064014972987. Best of luck and enjoy the seed!
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