Potions are an important feature in Minecraft. They allow players to easily defeat bosses, travel in lava/water and even increase jump height. While players can complete Minecraft without brewing a single potion, it would definitely slow down their progress.
All Minecraft players should be aware of the various potions that are available to them so that they can be prepared for any situation in the game.
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All Minecraft potions and their effects as of May 2021
Positive Potions

The majority of potions in Minecraft have positive effects. These potions and their effects are listed below:
- Potion of Regeneration: Restores Health over time
- Potion of Swiftness: Increases movement speed
- Potion of Fire Resistance: Gives immunity to heat damage
- Potion of Healing: Instantly restores health
- Potion of Night Vision: Visually brightens every block to light level 15
- Potion of Strength: Increases melee damage
- Potion of Leaping: Increases jump heigh, reduces fall damage
- Potion of Water Breathing: Prevents oxygen bar from depleting
- Potion of Invisibility: Makes player model disappear.
- Potion of Slow Falling: Slows falling speed, and completely removes fall damage
- Potion of Luck: Increases luck by one (Java Edition)
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Negative Potions

Negative potions can be used to harm other players or mobs and even the user of the potion. These potions are listed below:
- Potion of Poison: Deals damage over time, cannot kill
- Potion of Weakness: Reduces melee damage
- Potion of Slowness: Slows players and mobs
- Potion of Harming: Deals instant damage
- Potion of Decay: Provides wither effect, dealing damage over time (Bedrock Edition)
Mixed Potions

A mixed potion is a potion with both negative and positive effects.
Currently, the only mixed potion in Minecraft is the Potion of the Turtle Master. This potion slows down the player significantly. However, it also significantly reduces the damage they take.
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