Dirt blocks are arguably the most common block in Minecraft. The vast sandbox game is made up of millions of blocks. Each and every entity is made up of blocks, be it vast land or a small mob. When players enter the world, they will most likely see some kind of dirt block, mostly covered with grass.
Though players progress in the game and get several other blocks, this particular one is the most reliable and easily accessible. They are considered great temporary building blocks to help players build larger structures that can be used for farming, or simply for a unique decoration.
However, players will notice that there are several types of these blocks, all generating in different biomes and having unique properties.
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Every type of dirt block in Minecraft listed
1) Grass block

This is one of the most commonly seen blocks in the game. Most of the time, this is the first block that players will set foot on after they spawn in the world. These blocks cover most of the land biomes in the overworld.
They are a variant on which a green texture of grass is present. These blocks can grow all kinds of trees, flowers, bushes, and grass itself. If players want to obtain it, they will have to use a silk touch enchanted shovel.
2) Dirt

This is one of the most common blocks present in the game's world, along with stone and deepslate blocks. Once players shovel grass blocks, they will find a normal dirt block beneath them.
These blocks go on for a few blocks before the stone starts to appear. Players can either shovel it or simply break it with their hands to obtain it. They are an easily accessible temporary building block. If a grass block is broken without a silk touch shovel, it drops as dirt.
3) Farmland

Farmland blocks are another variant that is particularly used for farming crops. The crops and seeds can't be sown on normal grass blocks, hence players need to use a hoe to till the land to get farmland. These blocks can change color when a water block is near them, making them more fertile for growing crops.
4) Rooted dirt

Rooted dirt is a new variant that came in 1.17 update. It is a special block that only generates below an Azalea tree above a Lush cave biome. When players start digging near an Azalea tree, they will find that these blocks are slightly different than normal dirt. These blocks go all the way down to the Lush cave present right below.
5) Dirt path

If a player visits a village in the overworld, chances are they must've seen these variants of blocks. They are called dirt paths as they create a path connecting different village houses to one another.
Players can simply shovel them to obtain them. If they right-click the dirt block with a shovel, they can create a dirt path block.
6) Coarse dirt

This is a special variant of a block on which grass can never grow. It is essentially a mixture of gravel and dirt. It can be converted back to normal dirt with the help of a shovel. These mainly generate in windswept savanna, wooded bandlands, and old growth taiga biomes.
7) Podzol

This is another uncommon variant that only generates in old growth taiga and bamboo forests. Unlike most blocks, mushrooms can properly grow on podzols. It has a darkish brown color on top of it where no grass can grow, however players can sow several saplings and even flowers on it.
8) Mycelium

This is the rarest type of dirt block that only generates in mushroom field biomes. It is a special type of block that cannot grow any kind of green vegetation and is only meant for mushrooms.
It can only be obtained with a silk touch shovel, otherwise, it drops like normal dirt. If placed amongst normal dirt, it can spread around and convert other blocks to mycelium.
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