X-ray glitches in Minecraft refer to glitches that allow players to see through the ground as if it were invisible. These can be quite advantageous as players can easily see large caves and rare materials, making them considerably easier to find. All modern X-ray glitches take advantage of the same core principle; if a block ever occupies the same spot as the camera, the block will be invisible.
The major X-ray glitches that are being used by players currently can be found below, along with example builds for how to utilize them. That being said, these are not the only ways to use these glitches. Any build that causes the player's line of sight to occupy the same spot as a block will work just the same.
Minecraft's X-ray glitches
Pig X-ray

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This X-ray glitch is quite simple. It takes advantage of the fact that players can see through the ground if their heads are ever in the same space as a slab. Dig out a small room and place slabs along the floor. Then, put a saddle on a pig and ride it. This will allow for X-ray vision, as the pig is the optimal height to put a player's eyes within the slabs.
The biggest thing holding this X-ray glitch back is the saddle needed to execute it. This means that it's totally up to RNG, as there's no way to craft saddles. They can only be found as loot within structures such as the very old Minecraft monster room.
Crawling X-ray

This is the most complex X-ray glitch on the list. It also uses slabs to allow players to see through walls. Place down a ring of slabs, and use a trapdoor to enter Minecraft crawl mode in the center. Place down a piston and activate it, which will cause a slab to be pushed forward. The player model and slab will overlap partially, causing X-ray vision.
And since it's a slab and not a full block, there's no suffocation issues to worry about, making the setup easily reusable.
Gravel glitching
This is by far the most basic X-ray glitch featured. It requires nothing except a pickaxe and a few pieces of Minecraft gravel. Mine out a small area, making sure to leave room to allow the gravel to drop down. Then, stand in the center of two blocks and place the gravel on the ceiling. This will cause it to drop, occupying the same space as the player's head, once again allowing for X-ray vision.
Snow X-ray

This is another extraordinarily simple X-ray glitch. All a player needs to do is place a wall in a pit. Then, jump on top of it and cause two gravity blocks to fall. This will put the player's eyes just above the ground. Finally, placing a layer of snow will cause the player's field of vision to clip out of bounds. This is an incredibly cheap and easy way to check for underground Minecraft structures.
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