Andesite is a building block that should be on every Minecraft builder's toolbar.
Andesite is a great option for those who have gotten tired of using stone and cobblestone in every build.
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Andesite in Minecraft

Pockets of 0-160 blocks of Andesite can be found in levels 0-79. They can also be found in any biome, which is great news for players who live in even the most remote of biomes. These pockets will attempt to generate ten times per chunk, which explains how common they are.
In the upcoming Caves and Cliffs update, Andesite pockets can be as large as 837 blocks in one pocket.
Andesite can be mined with any Pickaxe. However, if players attempt to mine it with their hands, they will receive nothing.
Andesite can also be crafted by combining Diorite and Cobblestone in a crafting table/inventory.
Journeyman level Stone Mason villagers have a 33% chance of buying 16 Andesite for one Emerald.
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Andesite's only use is to craft various building blocks. The building blocks and their recipes are listed below:
- Polished Andesite (four andesite in a crafting table/inventory)
- Andesite Stairs (default way to craft stairs)
- Andesite Wall (default way to craft walls)
- Andesite Slab (default way to craft slab)
- Polished Andesite Stairs
- Polished Andesite Slab
There are unfortunately no Polished Andesite Stairs.
The blocks listed above are the only uses for Andesite. However, all are great substitutes for stone.
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