Minecraft has multiple different items that players can craft within the game to give their character increased protection and a flashy look.
Boots are not only the cheapest armor to craft in Minecraft (taking only four ingots ), but they also come with many different enchantments that players can apply to improve them.
Boots in Minecraft can protect players from many things players may have a hard time avoiding. There are 13 enchantments players may choose from to put on their boots, with some being better than others.
Check out the best enchantments for boots in Minecraft listed from best to worst!
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Minecraft boot enchantments listed from best to worst!

The protection enchantment, like on other pieces of armor, protects the player from general damage such as fire, lava, and average attacks. The max level of enchantment for protection is level four.
Protection on boots can add a damage reduction to players when accidentally falling in lava, or when taking fall damage. The protection enchantment also grants players a damage reduction against explosions.

Unbreaking is a good enchantment for every piece of equipment in the Minecraft world. The unbreaking enchantment increases the durability of the item, therefore it will last longer.
The player will be able to get more uses out of the item with a chance of the durability of the item not decreasing. The max level of enchantment for unbreaking three.

Mending is a good enchantment to have on boots, but it isn’t the easiest thing to find. The mending enchantment in Minecraft restores the durability of a player's item by using the XP that the player collects while using that item.
For example, if the durability of a player's boots is low, or if the boots are damaged the XP that the player gains while using the boots will repair the boots. This is very useful for items when they are about to break, but the downside is that mending is a treasure enchantment that can only be found. Players will not be able to find mending on an enchantment table.
Feather Falling

Feather falling is a good enchantment to have when players are on mountains or on higher places in the world. The feather falling enchantment reduces the amount of damage that is taken when a player takes fall damage.
Feather falling reduces the amount of damage a player takes by 12% each enchantment level. Since the max enchantment level is level four, feather falling can reduce the amount of fall damage a player takes by 48%!
Depth Strider

The depth strider enchantment in Minecraft allows players to swim faster underwater. This enchantment is pretty much like a pair of swim fins, but for Minecraft.
Depth strider can be useful for when players are exploring an ocean monument, or when trying to obtain a trident from the drowned. The max level of enchantment for depth strider is enchantment level three.
Each level of enchantment reduces the amount at which water slows down the players by ⅓.
Soul Speed

The soul speed enchantment in Minecraft increases how fast players can move on soil sand and soul soil. This enchantment is good for when players are in the Nether, and are collecting soul sand.
Soul sand is useful when a player is trying to spawn a wither. The max level of enchantment for soul speed is enchantment level three, the higher the enchantment, the more effective and powerful it is.
Fire Protection

The fire protection enchantment for Minecraft boots reduces the amount of damage a player takes from lava and fire. This enchantment is useful when a player is hit by a blaze and when a player accidentally falls into a pool of lava.
The amount of protection increases by 8% each level of enchantment. Since the max level of enchantment for fire protection is level four, the amount of protection a player can take can be increased by up to 32%
Frost Walker

The frost walker enchantment allows players to turn water into ice blocks when walking over them. This enchantment can be useful when a player needs to get across a body of water, but doesn’t have the resources to craft a boat.
The frost walker enchantment decreases the amount of time it takes a player to cross over water, and it can also cause players to be immune from certain blocks when they are stepped on like campfires and magna blocks.
The maximum level of enchantment for frost walker is level two.

Thorns enchantment is a cool enchantment to have in general on armor. This enchantment causes attackers to be damaged when they damage the wearer of the enchanted armor.
The thorns enchantment is on the lower side portion of the list for one reason. The reason is that the thorns enchantment decreases the players durability of the armor way faster than normal.
The higher the level of enchantment, the more durability is reduced from the armor. The max level of enchantment for the thorns enchantment is level three.
Projectile Protection

Projectile protection is useful in Minecraft against thrown or airborne attacks. Projectile projection decreases damage done from shulker bullets, arrows, thrown tridents, blaze fireballs, etc.
The projectile protection enchantment is really only useful towards air attacks and mobs such as skeletons and blaze. It can also be useful if players are trying to obtain a shulker box and have to kill a shulker.
The max level of enchantment for projectile projection is level four.
Blast Protection

The blast protection enchantment reduces the amount of damage players will take from explosions and fireworks in Minecraft. This enchantment can be useful against creepers to an extent, wither explosions, and TNT.
The max level of enchantment for blast protection is enchantment level four. The higher the level of enchantment, the more protection.
Curse of Binding

The curse of binding enchantment is at the bottom of the list for boot enchantments in Minecraft. This enchantment prevents players from removing the piece of armor from the armor slot.
For example, say a player enchants a pair of iron boots at the enchantment table with curse of binding, but then finds a better pair of diamond boots, the player will not be able to remove the iron boots out of the armor slot until it is broken or the player dies.
The max level of enchantment for the curse of binding is level one
Curse of Vanishing

At the bottom of the list is the second curse in Minecraft. The curse of vanishing forces the player's item to disappear upon death.
This enchantment is not very useful if a player is playing solo, and just accidentally dies, but remembers where their stuff is. This enchantment is never found on an enchantment table. Players would have to go out looking for it in the Minecraft world.
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