Minecraft's many different enchantments are some of the best ways for players to augment their tools, weapons, and gear to make them stronger. There are 42 total enchantments spread across the game's different item types, and this can make it quite difficult to remember which ones to prioritize obtaining in a normal survival world.
This article lists 10 of the best enchantments available to players as of 1.21.
10 of the best enchantments as of Minecraft 1.21
1) Mending

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Mending is by far the most useful and important enchantments in the entire game. It allows for items to repair durability damage by consuming experience orbs that the player collects. The rate at which durability is restored is quite generous, at two durability per experience in the orb. This enchantment allows for the rest of the player's overpowered enchanted gear to never be at risk of breaking.
2) Fortune

Fortune is an incredible Minecraft mining enchantment that can drastically reduce the amount of time that players spend tunneling around looking for different Minecraft ores. It does this by causing mined ores to drop significantly more items than they normally would. At maximum level, this enchantment increases the upper limit for drops by four times.
3) Looting

Looting is one of the best enchantments available for Minecraft swords. It makes mobs drop more of their common item drops and increases the rate at which they drop their rare items. This enchantment is great for the same reason that fortune is—it decreases the amount of time that players need to spend grinding, which equates to more time spent actually playing the game.
4) Silk Touch
Silk touch is one of the best utility enchantments available for the game's different tools. It allows players to safely obtain many different blocks that would normally be lost when broken, such as ice, glass, leaves, and Minecraft's game-changing ender chests.
5) Protection

Protection is one of the best Minecraft armor enchantments available to players. The enchantment adds additional damage reduction equal to level *4% for each armor piece. This means that a full suit of Protection IV armor will grant players a 64% damage reduction. It's the best protective enchantment, as it applies to all damage rather than a specific type.
6) Unbreaking

Unbreaking is similar to mending in that its ability is only great because it allows players to use their powerful items for longer. This enchantment gives items a chance to ignore durability damage. On average, items will last level + 1 times as long when enchanted with unbreaking. This can give you plenty of time to gather resources while trying to get an enchanted book for mending.
7) Infinity

Infinity is one of the best Minecraft bow enchantments. It prevents regular arrows from being consumed when fired. This means that a bow with infinity can shoot arrows until it breaks, even if the player only has a single arrow in their inventory the entire time. This enchantment is incredibly useful for those who don't want to waste tons of time crafting stacks and stacks of arrows.
8) Riptide

Riptide is an incredible mobility-trident enchantment that puts even the elytra to shame. While in water, players can charge up the trident and fling themselves forward through the water at high speeds with it. When it rains, you can also fly through the air freely and at incredible speeds.
9) Wind Burst
Wind burst is one of Minecraft 1.21's new enchantments. It's the rarest of the three new mace enchantments, only obtainable in enchanted books from ominous vaults. It allows players that land mace smash attacks to spring back up into the air, allowing these attacks to be chained together so long as there are mobs to hit.
10) Channeling

Minecraft's channeling enchantment is one of its more niche, but its utility is undeniable. This trident enchantment allows players to call down lightning strikes during thunderstorms. This can deal massive damage, as well as supercharge creepers, making it possible to farm mob heads. This is what makes it one of the best enchantments as of 1.21.
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