Minecraft has several mobs, and not all of them are ground mobs. Some mobs in Minecraft can even fly! The flying mobs in Minecraft can attack you from above making them lethal, and it will be harder for players to kill them.
These mobs include Ghast, Blaze, Wither, Parrot Vex, Bats, Phantoms, and the Ender dragon. Some of these mobs can only be found in the Nether, so in the over world players will not have to worry about half of the flying mobs.
Below are the 5 best flying mobs in Minecraft!
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5 best flying mobs in Minecraft!
The EnderDragon

The Ender Dragon is classified as the “boss” mob in Minecraft. The ender dragon can only be spawned in the end, and it is the strongest mob in Minecraft.
The ender dragon will give players a lot of XP upon the first death, and beating the ender dragon is equivalent to beating the game.
To spawn the ender dragon, players will need to find the stronghold, activate the portal to enter the end, then place end crystals around the portal at the end, and the ender dragon will spawn.

The wither is a flying three-headed mob that only spawns in the Nether. The wither is made out of soul sand and wither skulls and is like a “mini-boss,” but for the Nether.
The wither is very commonly found inside of the Nether fortress. If players want to spawn withers, they will need four soul sand and three skulls. Withers are immune to both lava and fire, so players will need to keep that in mind when choosing their weapon.
When the wither reaches below half health, it creates a wither shield around itself, which causes it to be immune to arrows, so a bow and arrow will no longer be effective. The wither drops around 20 XP upon death.

Blaze are Minecraft mobs that can only be found in the Nether. Blaze are mostly spawned from a blaze spawner, but it is possible for them to spawn without it as well.
Blaze attacks players by shooting three fireballs which sets the player on fire for a limited amount of time. The blaze can be killed pretty easily with a good sword, and they drop blaze rods upon death. Blaze rods are very helpful in the Minecraft world. They can be crafted into blaze powder which is used to make ender eyes.
Fun fact, blaze can also be killed with snowballs!

A ghast is a mob in Minecraft that only spawns in the Nether along with Blaze & Wither. Ghast attacks by flying around in the Nether and shooting fire balls which explode.
The good thing about the ghast attack is that players can deflect them by hitting the fireball with a sword, or by shooting it with an arrow. The eyes of the ghast will turn red and their mouths will open when they are getting ready to attack, so players will sort of have a warning before they do.

The vex is a flying mob in Minecraft that is one of the only two flying mobs in the overworld. The vex spawns a lot near woodland mansions, or in raids by evokers.
The vex glows red right before they are getting ready to attack, so players have a short span of time to prepare. Vexes are immune to fire and lava, but since they have low health they are easy to fight off.
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