Minecraft is not particularly known for its revolutionary graphics and touts a relatively simple pixel art esthetic. The game's design is beautiful in its own way and has captivated the hearts of many over the years.
While the game isn't the most graphically intense one out there, it can sometimes have performance issues, especially on low-end hardware. This is primarily due to excessive particles, too many entities, and above all else: poorly optimized video settings.
For those looking to improve their FPS within Minecraft Java Edition, this guide will explain the best and most optimized video settings to follow. By employing the settings detailed below, players should see a significant gain in performance.
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Most optimized Minecraft video settings for best performance
When changing video settings, players will often find the most success in lowering the level of high-intensity settings enabled. More specifically, the more high-intensity settings that can be disabled without too much impact on gameplay is most ideal.
The best and most optimized settings for improving FPS on Java Edition are:

- Game Resolution: Lowest possible (slider all the way to the left)
- Biome Blend: Off (slider all the way to the left)
- Chunk Builder: Threaded
- Graphics: Fast
- Simulation Distance: 5 chunks (slider all the way to the left)
- Render Distance: 2-6 Chunks (2 chunks is fastest but not great for gameplay)
- Smooth Lighting: Off
- Clouds: Off
- Fullscreen: On
- Particles: Minimal
- Mipmap Levels: Off (slider all the way to the left)
- Entity Shadows: Off
- Entity Distance: 50% (slider all the way to the left)
What are the other ways to increase performance for Minecraft?
A significant way in which all Java Edition players can instantly improve game performance is by installing OptiFine. It is a free-to-use and highly popular mod that optimizes much of the game's internal code. By using OptiFine, players may notice an instant performance boost of up to 50%.
Installing this mod is easy and free. A well-detailed guide on how to install OptiFine can be found here.
Another way to improve performance in the game is to ensure no other programs are running on the machine. Having other processes running simultaneously as Minecraft will eat up available resources and leave less for the game to function on, which will, in turn, lower the FPS.
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