The rarest resources in Minecraft, such as diamonds, are naturally generated as ores in different dimensions. Every ore in the game has a range of heights at which it generates. Finding these ores can be quite difficult if the player is not looking at the Y level.
Most ores can only be mined using an iron pickaxe or better. When mined using a Fortune enchanted pickaxe, they can drop multiple items.
Best Y levels for ores in Minecraft
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Coal ore

Coal ore is one of the most commonly found ores in Minecraft. It is found in all overworld biomes between Y levels 0 and 127. A single vein of it can contain up to thirty-seven ores.
Iron ore

Iron ores are also quite common and can be found between Y levels 0 and 63. Players can easily mine them using a stone pickaxe or better.
Lapis Lazuli ore
Lapis Lazuli is not one of the most useful resources in the game, but players need it for enchanting items using the enchanting table. Its ores can be found in the overworld between Y levels 0 and 30, and its veins can have up to ten ores.
Copper ore

Copper ore is generated between Y level 0 and 96 anywhere in the overworld. The best layers to mine it is Y 47 and 48. Copper ore can be mined using a stone pickaxe or better.
Redstone ore
Redstone ore can be found between Y levels 1 and 16 in any overworld biome. Like lapis lazuli ores, redstone ore veins can have up to ten ores.
Gold ore

Like most other ores, players can find gold ore in any overworld biome between Y levels 32 and 79. However, it generates significantly more in all badlands biomes. They can be mined using an iron pickaxe or better.
Nether Quartz ore
Players can only find it in the nether anywhere between levels 10 and 117. They are pretty easy to mine as players can use any type of pickaxe. Quartz ore is known for dropping a lot of experience points when mined.
Diamond ore

These are the second rarest ores that generate in the Minecraft overworld. Players can only find them between Y levels 0 and 16. Their veins can have up to ten ores. We recommend players use a pickaxe with the fortune enchantment if possible because of how rare diamond ores are.
Emerald ores
Emerald ores are the rarest overworld ore found only in mountain biomes between levels 4 and 31. Once the Caves & Cliffs update part 2 was released, emerald ores became a lot less rare.
Ancient debris
Ancient debris is a unique ore that generates in the Nether world. It is one of the crafting ingredients for Netherite scraps, which is the only source of Netherite for players.
Minecraft players can find them anywhere between layers 8 and 199 in any Nether biome. However, many players have been said to have found the most amount of ancient debris at around Y15. Their veins normally have 1-3 ores and only a diamond or netherite pickaxe can be used to mine them.
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