The Minecraft 1.19 update is finally out, and players will be entering the vast sandbox world to explore new features and start their journey. Several new players will be coming to the game and might need some help regarding ore generation. Ores are blocks that can be mined to extract some of the most precious materials in the game, like diamonds, iron, gold, redstone, coal, netherite, etc.
The Minecraft 1.19 update does not particularly change the ore distribution, but it definitely changes how players mine these blocks underground. The new Deep Dark is a scary cave biome that has been added to the game, which can change some mining techniques. Nonetheless, players must know where these rare ore blocks generate in the game.
Some of the best levels to find rare ores in Minecraft 1.19 update
Best Y level for Diamonds

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Since the game was released, diamonds have been the most sought-after items in the game. From veterans to novices, everyone is delighted to find diamond ores underground. Diamond ore blocks are some of the rarest in the overworld realm and were found near Y level 11 in previous versions. However, after the Caves and Cliffs update, their generation has changed.
The bedrock layer shifted 64 blocks down in the 1.18 update, creating new spaces for blocks to generate. Diamond ores were one of the most affected blocks as they shifted all the way down near the bedrock layer. Now, in Minecraft 1.19, if players want to find these precious ore blocks, they will have to mine near Y level -58.
However, when mining at this level, players must be extremely careful not to activate any sculk sensors near their mines. The Deep Dark biome can generate anywhere below Y level 0. Hence, players must not make a sound if a sculk sensor is nearby. Sculk blocks in Minecraft 1.19 can summon the terrifying Warden mob.
Best Y level for Ancient Debris

Another rare ore that is craved by many experienced players is Ancient Debris. This block can be found deep underground in the Nether realm. It can be smelted and crafted with gold ingots to get netherite, which is the strongest material in the game to make tools, weapons, and armor. It is arguably the most difficult ore block to find, simply because the Nether is filled with lava lakes.
Ancient Debris is most commonly found at Y level 15 in the Nether realm. Players will need to avoid loads of lava lakes and somehow reach the level to start mining. Players can also use tricks like bed explosions to quickly clear out an area and find these blocks.
Best Y level for Emeralds

Emerald ore blocks used to be the rarest to find in the game. However, after the Caves and Cliffs update, they are slightly more common. In Minecraft 1.19, players will be able to find most of them around Y level 232. This means that stone emerald ore blocks will be found high up in the mountains.
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