Minecraft players will, sooner or later, need a few diamonds in their travels. Due to this gem's ability to be used in some of the highest-quality crafting recipes in the game, fans tend to search for them as soon as they can. The more diamonds a player has early on, the less they'll need to worry about them down the road. However, locating the resource in the sandbox title isn't always easy.
Fortunately, thanks to the way that Minecraft worlds generate via seeds, it's possible to create a world that provides either easy or plentiful access to diamonds. Some of these seeds can offer the gems as loot, while others place diamond ore veins fairly close to the spawn point.
Whatever the case may be, if Minecraft fans need a hand finding diamonds, there are more than a few 1.20+ seeds that come to mind.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer
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Minecraft 1.20 seeds that should provide good access to diamonds
1) 44647503765050661 (Bedrock)

Blacksmith shops are one of the best sources of quick and easy diamonds in all of Minecraft. All players have to do is visit a village, stop by the shop, and open its loot chest, and the villagers don't even mind. This Bedrock Edition seed is a perfect example of just how nifty blacksmith buildings really are.
Players will spawn just a few steps away from a village complete with a blacksmith shop. The chest inside should contain more than a few diamonds, and the nearby mountain range may offer plenty of diamond ore to mine as well.
2) 17645624058879295 (Bedrock)

If Minecraft players are hunting for blacksmith shops, this Bedrock seed may be one of the finest ones available in version 1.20+. Players will drop into a snowy taiga village that possesses no fewer than 11 blacksmith shops.
Granted, not all of these buildings will contain diamonds in their loot chests. However, some diamonds are certainly better than none.
3) 7398551292122912017 (Bedrock)

Depending on how willing a Minecraft fan is to do some hazardous traveling, the bounty of this Bedrock seed can be quite nice when it comes to diamonds. Players will spawn near two desert pyramids at (X: -225, Z: -822) and (X: -232, Z: -773) that can be looted to find diamonds and have their suspicious sand blocks brushed for more.
A nearby village rests at (X: -248, Z: -728), which possesses an opening to a lush cave system. This is where players can find a fossil with embedded diamond ore at (X: -230, Y: -51, Z: -825).
Also Check:- Minecraft seed generator
4) 6359659104441712851 (Bedrock)

Desert pyramids, as noted in previous Minecraft seeds on this list, are fantastic spots for early-game diamonds in some seeds. Not only can players find them in loot chests within the pyramids' hidden rooms, but it's also possible to step into the secret rooms where suspicious sand can be brushed for a few extra diamonds.
This Bedrock seed not only has several pyramids but also more than a few villages and other structures. However, for the purpose of collecting diamonds, players will want to stick to the pyramids early on.
Pyramid Coordinates
- X: -296 Z: -168
- X: 136 Z: 104
- X: 24 Z: 552
- X: 664 Z: 136
- X: 312 Z: -472
- X: 1,336 Z: 8
- X: 552 Z: -968
5) 6359659104441712851 (Java)

Another solid seed for desert pyramids and diamonds in Minecraft, this Java seed spawns players in a sizable desert biome complete with both pyramids and villages, including an abandoned village for good measure.
While each pyramid in this starting desert biome won't contain a massive amount of diamonds, players can collect a decent stash between all of them.
Pyramid Locations
- X: 152 Z: 40
- X: -488 Z: 56
- X: 88 Z: -312
- X: 632 Z: -472
- X: 616 Z: 856
- X: 1144 Z: -968
6) 2910488429423162342 (Bedrock)

Although they aren't as easy to spot as some structures, buried treasure chests can be a huge help when finding diamonds and other great items like Hearts of the Sea.
If players don't mind doing a bit of traveling, they can find a plethora of treasure chests on an island near their spawn point that can get them some easy diamonds.
Treasure Chest Locations
- X: -696 Z: -376
- X: -696 Z: -440
- X: -696 Z: -504
- X: -760 Z: -552
- X: -760 Z: -440
- X: -760 Z: -376
- X: -744 Z: -312
- X: -696 Z: -232
- X: -632 Z: -184
- X: -696 Z: -184
- X: -760 Z: -184
- X: -760 Z: -232
- X: -808 Z: -248
- X: -824 Z: -312
- X: -808 Z: -376
- X: -824 Z: -424
- X: -824 Z: -488
Keep in mind that while the coordinates above will bring Minecraft players to the treasure chests, they'll still need to dig downward to find them. It's highly advised to be careful when doing so, otherwise, one may break the chests themselves.
7) 5701678663029910599 (Bedrock)

As noted previously, if players can find a seed with multiple buried treasure chests, they can typically find many diamonds simply by knowing where to look. Such is the case with this Bedrock seed, which contains no fewer than 20 buried treasure chests near the spawn point.
Treasure Chest Locations
- X: 24 Z: 264
- X: 72 Z: 216
- X: 136 Z: 264
- X: 136 Z: 72
- X: 136 Z: 344
- X: 8 Z: 344
- X: 8 Z: 408
- X: -40 Z: 456
- X: -56 Z: 520
- X: -56 Z: 584
- X: 24 Z: 648
- X: 8 Z: 728
- X: 88 Z: 648
- X: 136 Z: 648
- X: 200 Z: 664
- X: 200 Z: 456
- X: 280 Z: 456
- X: 344 Z: 456
- X: 344 Z: 344
- X: 472 Z: 344
With simple tools like a shovel or a pickaxe, fans should be able to collect quite a stash of diamonds just by digging down and finding the hidden treasures near this seed's spawn point.
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