15 best Minecraft island seeds 2025

An island seed in Minecraft featuring a village spawn with an abandoned village across from it.
Island seeds in Minecraft present an intriguing survival or building challenge (Image via Mojang)

Looking for Minecraft island seeds for your next playthrough? Minecraft's world generation mechanics allow a virtually limitless variety of worlds to exist in the game. Each seed is different, and some even see players starting out on islands. These locations are perfect for a survival challenge, and they can also present some interesting opportunities for prospective builds in the sandbox title.


There are plenty of great island seeds for Minecraft to take advantage of for both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition players. The islands in question differ with regard to their size, resources, and generated structures, but they're all great locations nonetheless.

If fans are hunting for new Minecraft island seeds worth starting a new world on, there are plenty of notable options that come to mind.

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Note: This list is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer


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Best island Minecraft seeds worth surviving and building on

Whether you want to take on a survival island challenge or simply build a beautiful base, these Minecraft island seeds are definitely worth checking out:

1) Plains/stony shore survival (-1990011782 Bedrock)

This island doesn't offer much for players, but that may make for a challenge (Image via Mojang)
This island doesn't offer much for players, but that may make for a challenge (Image via Mojang)

If Minecraft fans are hunting for an island seed for a survival island challenge, the seed -1990011782 for Bedrock Edition may be a great option. Players will spawn on a small island with a combined plains and stony shore biome and a lone oak tree resting in the plains itself.


Fortunately, even though the resource collection will be harsh, there are a few goodies on the island to take advantage of. Players can find treasure chests buried at (X: 8 Z: -168), (X: 24 Z: -248), and (X: 8 Z: -312) for some helpful items.

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2) Balanced village island (-1814576922 Bedrock)

Players will have everything they need to get started in this Minecraft Bedrock seed (Image via Mojang)
Players will have everything they need to get started in this Minecraft Bedrock seed (Image via Mojang)

Compared to the previous island on this list, Minecraft players should have a much easier time getting started in Survival Mode on the seed -1814576922 for Bedrock Edition.


This seed starts fans off on a plains/flower forest island complete with a village directly in view from the spawn point. Thanks to the presence of the flower forest biome, players will have all the wood they need to build a shelter right away. Otherwise, the villagers don't mind if fans take shelter from the hostile mobs by staying with them.

3) Desert survival island (65646 Java)

This heat-blasted island should be a tricky one to settle on in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
This heat-blasted island should be a tricky one to settle on in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)

Desert biomes in Minecraft aren't typically known for their ease of survival, but some players are up to the task all the same. The Java Edition seed 65646 sees fans dropped right on top of a desert island, complete with little more than a few cacti and a set of stony shores.


Fortunately, the surrounding waters contain some helpful items by way of shipwrecks at (X: -184 Z: 232) and (X: -248 Z: -152), while a ruined portal also rests underwater in the vicinity of (X: 24 Z: 264).

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4) A tale of two villages (6943313000000016 Java)

Both a standard village and an abandoned village lie in wait in this Minecraft island seed (Image via Mojang)
Both a standard village and an abandoned village lie in wait in this Minecraft island seed (Image via Mojang)

It's nice to have options in Minecraft, and the same is true when it comes to in-game villages. The seed 6943313000000016 offers a plains biome-based island spawn with plenty of beaches and two villages immediately within sight. One village is a standard plains village, while the other has been abandoned.


From here, fans can either get started with the plains village or renovate the abandoned village once it has been cleared out.

5) Multi-biome island (5685761492797 Java)

When it comes to biome and structure diversity, this Minecraft seed has a lot to offer (Image via Mojang)
When it comes to biome and structure diversity, this Minecraft seed has a lot to offer (Image via Mojang)

Where plenty of Minecraft seeds offer smaller islands or those with only a few biomes/structures, the Java seed 5685761492797 is a completely different story. Players spawn on a massive island complete with just about every Overworld biome composing it. If that wasn't enough, there are a ton of generated structures to discover and explore.


Fans begin in a jungle biome, but the nearest village for them to check out is quite a ways away at (X: -720 Z: 624). Players may want to set up shelter well before heading that way.

6) Mountain island (199312604094 Java and Bedrock)

This Minecraft seed is complete with huge mountain ranges to mine or otherwise utilize (Image via Mojang)
This Minecraft seed is complete with huge mountain ranges to mine or otherwise utilize (Image via Mojang)

Minecraft's mountain generation has only improved over the years, and this kind of terrain is perfect both for extracting ores and creating impressive builds. Since this is the case, players can boot up the seed 199312604094 on both Java and Bedrock to find a sizable spawn island, complete with multiple biomes and far-reaching mountain ranges.


What fans choose to do with this island is up to them, but the possibilities are effectively endless when it comes to builds and methods of survival.

7) Savanna structures (-4378343262732970965 Java and Bedrock)

This lone savanna island has multiple structures and a robust cave system (Image via Mojang)
This lone savanna island has multiple structures and a robust cave system (Image via Mojang)

If players love spelunking through generated structures and caves, this island seed may just be a great pick for them. Minecraft island seed -4378343262732970965 drops players onto a raised savanna island with multiple generated structures, including a shipwreck at (X: 8 Z: 8) and ocean ruins at (X: 24 Z: 40) in Java Edition.


While that's all well and good, this seed operates quite well on Bedrock Edition as well. The Bedrock iteration of this savanna island even has an ancient city that can be accessed from the island's surface at (X: -168 Y: -51 Z: -248) if players are cautious about their approach.

8) Precarious peaks (8344647710 Java)

The mountain in this Minecraft island seed is more inhospitable than its surrounding villages (Image via Mojang)
The mountain in this Minecraft island seed is more inhospitable than its surrounding villages (Image via Mojang)

Complete with a high-reaching mountain that scrapes the height limit, the Minecraft island seed 8344647710 is rife with terrain of various elevations. Traversing this island can be perilous, and there is enough forest cover to facilitate the spawning of hostile mobs. Fortunately, players can venture to (X: 16 Z: 0) and (X: 0 Z: -704) to seek some respite via villages.


Once fans are ready for some serious exploration underground, they can also find an ancient city at (X: -200 Y: -51 Z: 88) at a nearby mountain range on the edge of the island.

9) Village and pillage (-2905686047069235898 Bedrock)

There's plenty of action in this seed right from the start (Image via Mojang)
There's plenty of action in this seed right from the start (Image via Mojang)

Players won't have long to get prepared in the Bedrock island seed -2905686047069235898 as they'll spawn right on top of a woodland mansion. As they make their way off of its roof, they'll notice that there's also a nearby pillager outpost at (X: 120 Z: 88) and a village directly adjacent to it at (X: 120 Z: 136).


If players are hoping to keep the village intact, they'll need to quickly conquer the pillager outpost before the illagers make their way to the village. Clearing out the woodland mansion can also be a great way to claim the island, but that can wait.

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10) Tiny island treasures (-8496124488663064751 Java)

Plenty of loot awaits players in this seed (Image via Mojang)
Plenty of loot awaits players in this seed (Image via Mojang)

If fans are hunting for some quick loot to get started in their world, the Minecraft Java island seed -8496124488663064751 should be a great pick. Players spawn on a small island, complete with a village containing two blacksmith shops to loot. A waterlogged shipwreck lies directly off the coast for a few extra items.


To make things even better, fans can also dig up a buried treasure chest on the northern coast of the spawn island at (X: -327 Z: -567).

11) Mushroom Continent (-422497873664905551, Java and Bedrock)

An incredibly large mushroom island awaits Minecraft fans in this seed (Image via Fragrant_Result_186/Reddit)
An incredibly large mushroom island awaits Minecraft fans in this seed (Image via Fragrant_Result_186/Reddit)

Given the safe haven that mushroom islands provide in Minecraft, they make for excellent starting areas and points of refuge. This seed, regardless of whether it’s loaded into Java or Bedrock Edition, offers a continent-sized mushroom island directly east of the spawn point. All players need to do is build a boat or take a swim to approximately (X: -718 Z: -81) to find their safe shores.


Filled with massive mushrooms, roaming mooshroom mobs, and scattered structures on both Java and Bedrock, players can start off slow and safely before heading out to explore.

12) Ice Spike Island Village (4333411662369803272, Java and Bedrock)

This Minecraft seed offers an ice spike village on a partially frozen ocean (Image via Powerful-Page4023/Reddit)
This Minecraft seed offers an ice spike village on a partially frozen ocean (Image via Powerful-Page4023/Reddit)

Is a Minecraft seed still an island seed if it’s surrounded by frozen water? Some fans seem to think so, and if players agree, this seed might be worth a look. After spawning, players will find a snowy village surrounded by a massive ice spikes biome with only a few trees to start. The village can be found in Java at (X: -272 Z: -304) and on Bedrock at (X: -392 Z: -328).


Fortunately, the friendly villagers are isolated and are willing to trade, so there shouldn’t be too many threats aside from the usual hostile mobs. In this environment, despite its frigid surroundings, players can still start off on the right foot.

13) The Mountain Island (-3149142039438819319, Java and Bedrock)

This Minecraft seed offers a gorgeous mountain island to explore and build upon (Image via TechnicalTry4294/Reddit)
This Minecraft seed offers a gorgeous mountain island to explore and build upon (Image via TechnicalTry4294/Reddit)

Although Minecraft fans will have to make a short trip to find the gorgeous island in this seed, it’s well worth the effort. From the spawn point, players only need to head to (X: -300 Z: -200) to find an island complete with a beautiful mountain range, forest and grove biomes, and plenty of stony shores.


From here, players have tons of access to basic resources, and the island itself is deep enough to be mined for plenty of ores as well. All in all, this island stands as a fantastic starting point for a Survival Mode run or a truly incredible island-themed build.

14) Island of the Badlands (-7842720939521510716, Java and Bedrock)

This island seed might be inhospitable, but some Minecraft fans might see it as a challenge (Image via Fragrant_Result_186/Reddit)
This island seed might be inhospitable, but some Minecraft fans might see it as a challenge (Image via Fragrant_Result_186/Reddit)

An island composed of badlands and beach biomes likely isn’t the idea of a great starting point for some Minecraft fans, but others might find it to be the perfect spot for a survival challenge. Players won’t find any hospitable villages in sight from this seed’s spawn point, just countless blocks of heat-blasted badlands.


If players can survive and thrive here, they can also find an ancient city at (X: 8 Y: -51 Z: 8) in Java and (X: -312 Y: -51 Z: 184) in Bedrock. There’s likely to be some decent loot there if players are willing to risk a confrontation with the Warden.

15) Mountain Lake Island (5955001316222018200, Java and Bedrock)

A gorgeous Minecraft island seed like this is begging to be built upon (Image via Fragrant_Result_186/Reddit)
A gorgeous Minecraft island seed like this is begging to be built upon (Image via Fragrant_Result_186/Reddit)

Immediately upon spawning, Minecraft fans will find a magnificent island composed of snowy mountains, oak/dark oak forests, and even a few rivers to boot. Near the center of the island itself at roughly (X: -90 Z: -119), fans can even find a frozen lake near a cliff overlooking an oceanic inlet. All things considered, this is a beautiful seed in both Java and Bedrock Edition.


The island is large enough to permit mining, there’s no shortage of trees for wood resources, and the cliffs near the frozen lake even provide open access to lava flows. From this lone island, players can create a simple starting point or form a build that will stand the test of time.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
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