Minecraft has a plethora of different biomes and terrain types to find while exploring. And while hills might not be seen as a particularly rare or interesting type of biome, they're surprisingly rare, sometimes harder to find than even the mountains the game's prettiest seeds are known for. This makes getting to see and build in these biomes much harder than it needs to be.
Detailed below are five amazing seeds with hills biomes at or near spawn. These seeds are perfect for players wanting to experiment with elevation changes in builds without committing to terraforming an entire mountain.
5 amazing hilly Minecraft seeds
1) Windswept trading hall

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The seed is: -1890772418571523615
- Basement Igloo: 184, 328
- Village: 48, 384
- Pillager Outpost: 144, 784
- Witch Hut: 1640, 248
- Ancient City: 920, 1560
- Swamp Village: 1280, -208
This seed spawns players in a snowy taiga biome, surrounded by snowy plains to the south, plains to the north, and a mixture of windswept forests and hills to the east. Past these hills, players will find a truly massive swamp with four different witch huts, which should make for a great spot to build a Minecraft witch farm.
However, this seed doesn't just offer late-game potential. The village and basement igloo combo just south of spawn should make establishing a large Minecraft villager trading hall much easier. There are also several other villages, pillager outposts, and igloos scattered throughout these frigid lands, all providing great loot for players early on.
2) Hilly Village

The seed is: 1321334024709858019
- Village: 96, -208
- Witch Hut: -216, -856
- Ocean Monument: 280, 312
- Pillager Outpost: -784, -512
- Village: 688, 800
This amazing hilly seed spawns players in a forest just south of an expansive stretch of hills. These nearby hills also have an interestingly generated village, which would make a great spot to set up a Minecraft starter base. Further north, players will find more villages past the hills, alongside a witch hut.
There are more villages and pillager outposts across the sea to the south. There's also an ocean monument south of spawn that, due to its isolation and location, would make a great spot to set up a Minecraft guardian farm.
Also check:Minecraft seed map
3) Scattered Hills

The seed is: 3324024144180336734
- Witch Hut: 88, 360
- Village: 256, 736
- Village: -464, -208
- Pillager Outpost: 368, -704
- Pillager Outpost: -736, 128
- Basement Igloo: -1496, -504
- Woodland Mansion: -1128, 2776
This hilly seed puts players in the middle of a swamp to start, with hills to the north, west, east, and south. These hills are not connected. Rather, they are splintered and shattered, making for quite interesting terrain. There's another swamp, this time a mixture of regular and mangrove, to the east as well.
There are witch huts, villages, and pillager outposts surrounding spawn, giving players something to do no matter what direction they travel in. There's even an elusive Minecraft woodland mansion south of spawn for players to conquer.
4) Witch Huts and Hills

The seed is: 5021920446049977133
- Witch Hut: -216, -136
- Basement Igloo: 1096, 728
- Village: -288, 896
- Village: 720, -480
- Village: -1024, 688
- Ocean Monument: -280, -184
This hilly seed places players in a small bit of swamp along the coast. There's more of this swamp to the east, with taiga and forests to the south. Further south, players can find a mixture of frigid biomes, including a truly massive ice spikes biome that stretches for more than a thousand blocks.
There are several shipwrecks and Minecraft buried treasures on the coast directly north of spawn, which should provide ample early-game loot. Players can find several villages, igloos, and even ancient cities in the frigid lands to the south, as well as the plains biome to the west.
5) Hill Spawn

The seed is: 291358821320780015
- Mushroom Island: -2060, -755
- Woodland Mansion: -888, 792
- Pillager Outpost: 16, -480
- Village: 704, -464
- Ancient City: -312, -1064
This amazing hills seed spawns players directly in the center of a moderately sized windswept hills biome. To the north, there are plains, forests, and peaceful meadows. To the west, players will find swamps, a woodland mansion, and an ocean that contains a moderately sized Minecraft mushroom island.
The biggest drawback to this seed is that the nearest village is more than 700 blocks away, but the amazing blend of biomes and variety of structures more than makes up for this.
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