Minecraft is one of the best examples of a game that has embraced its modding community. There are a ton of different ways for community creators to add content to the title, ranging from mods and datapacks to resource and texture packs. Out of the available mod and datapacks, some of the most popular are quality of life changes. These changes are intended to make the game easier, more convenient, and less time-consuming.
The seven best quality of life Minecraft datapacks out there right now are detailed below.
7 amazing quality of life datapacks for Minecraft
1) Working Backpacks

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Creator: UltroGhast
The Working Backpacks datapack is similar to the many different Minecraft backpack mods out there, except this one is completely handled with in-game code. Being able to get an extra 27 inventory slots early on in Vanilla is huge and makes exploring more lucrative.
There are several different colors of backpacks available, each crafted using eight pieces of leather and a different piece of colorful Minecraft dye in the center. These colors include black, blue, orange, pink, and white, meaning there are several choices for players wanting to match their in-game skin and backpack.
2) Waystones
Creator: KawaMood
The Waystones datapack is a datapack version of Waystones mods, one of Minecraft's best mods. The datapack essentially works the same as the mod, allowing players to set up waypoints to allow for instant teleportation between different points.
The benefit here in terms of quality of life is obvious; players no longer need to spend a bunch of time running between biomes and structures and can instead spend that time actually playing the game and progressing. These waystones will work between dimensions, even modded ones, and will also take any mounts the players are on, as well as any mobs on a lead.
However, there are no naturally occurring waystones; instead, they must all be crafted.
3) 2mal3's Recipes

Creator: 2mal3
2mal3's Recipes is a recipe datapack that adds more than 400 new vanilla-inspired recipes to the game. These are all recipes intended to make sense and not be too strong. Some of these included recipes are for chainmail armor, bottles of enchanting, nametags, and enchanted golden apples.
There are also recipes that allow players to skip crafting steps. For example, logs can be used instead of planks to get more items, removing the need to process logs first.
All in all, this is an amazing quality of life addition, as it just removes a lot of time wasted trying to find normally uncraftable items. It really doesn't make any sense that players can't craft horse armor, for example, so adding a recipe in both makes sense and is more convenient.
4) Veinminer

Creator: Plomek
Veinminer is an amazing quality of life datapack for one obvious reason: it makes resource gathering through mining much quicker and easier. It does this by allowing players to automatically mine all ores of the same type when breaking the first. There are a ton of different Minecraft overhaul mods that add similar effects and enchantments, but veinminer is useful for servers.
This version of Veinminer in particular will also drop all of the XP that would have dropped if they were all broken individually, and it can even apply enchantments like Minecraft's incredible fortune enchantment to all the broken ores.
5) Villagers Infinite Stock
Creator: FACS01
Minecraft villager trading is one of the most powerful features that players have access to. Players can easily get infinite access to enchanted diamond gear, the best enchantments available, and a plethora of resources and materials all through it. And by repeatedly zombifying and curing villagers, the cost is essentially nothing.
The biggest limiting factor is that villagers can only trade a certain amount of times per day before the villager locks that trade off. This can make it frustrating to get all of the books needed to make fully enchanted Minecraft armor or tools. Thankfully, the Villagers Infinite Stock datapack fixes this by removing the vanilla cap on daily trades.
Instead, players will be able to trade with the villager in their Minecraft villager trading hall until they no longer have the resources to do so. This can make reaching the end of the game much quicker by removing the arbitrary waiting periods.
6) Horse Whistle

Creator: Eugene2000
The Horse Whistle datapack adds two features centered around the horse Minecraft mob. The first change is that if a horse is within 128 blocks of the player, hitting the "H" key will cause the player to whistle. This highlights the horse, and it will begin moving towards and following the player, even telelporting closer if need be.
The second feature is the ability to spur horses while riding them. This uses the same key as whistling. It will damage the horse slightly, but will increase speed for a short time. There are also two levels of spur speed, meaning players can go even faster. This makes horses a genuinely viable option for running around and finding Minecraft's prettiest biomes.
7) Bee Info

Creator: TheMindofBappo
Bee Info is a simple datapack, but it is amazingly handy. It adds a text box to beehives and bee nests that allows players to see the number of bees as well as the level of honey in the block. This makes it much easier to tell when bees are ready to breed, as well as when hives are getting close to harvest.
This information is by no means essential, but it is nice to have, making the Bee Info datapack a quintessential quality of life datapack worth checking out, especially for any technical players that need ample honey block supplies.
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