Minecraft's villages can be of significant help to players in their sandbox adventures. They possess free materials and items to loot. One can also trade with the villagers to accrue some pretty great commodities. Since this is the case, players seek out villages in the early game and beyond. However, finding a village can sometimes be tricky, depending on the world seed.
Fortunately, there are just as many seeds for Minecraft worlds that make finding villages a breeze. Some even possess interesting villages that are combined with other generated structures.
If Minecraft fans are hunting for some great seeds to find villages in, there are more than a few that should be quite compelling.
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Note: This list is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer
Minecraft seeds with unique or abundant villages in May 2023
1) -3420545196535741639 (Java 1.19)

It's uncommon for Minecraft players to spawn right in the middle of a village in most seeds. However, this seed gives players the opportunity to do exactly that.
There's only one problem: the village is located on top of a large mountain spire in the middle of the ocean. The sea surrounds the village for a few hundred blocks in every direction, so players will have a bit of a survival challenge on their hands as they get started. Fortunately, the villagers are more than willing to help, and it should be easy to light up the village perimeter to avoid hostile mob spawns.
2) 8218185205610313350 (Java 1.19.4)

If Minecraft players prefer a variety of villages near their spawn point, this seed may be a solution. The villages near the spawn appear at varying distances, with some requiring a little more travel time than others.
However, the nearest villages should be well within the player's walking distance. This should allow them to branch out and head to the others once they have established themselves and are well-equipped for a journey.
Village Coordinates
- X: 224, Z: -176
- X: -288, Z: -320
- X: -208, Z: 240
- X: 704, Z: 48
- X: 1,120, Z: -192
- X: -144, Z: -768
- X: -736, Z: -352
- X: -1,232, Z: -752
- X: -160, Z: 576
- X: -1,392, Z: 352
- X: -1,280, Z: 624
- X: -896, Z: 848
3) 3940649691949616 (Java 1.19.4)

This seed offers two different ways for Minecraft players to enjoy a village experience. To start, players will spawn in a moderately sized village near a swamp, complete with a witch hut at (X: 24, Z: 152).
However, if players prefer a little isolation, they can snag a boat and head out to (X: 576, Z: 784), where they'll find a village nestled on a small island with a mountain on one end and some mangrove swamps worth exploring. Regardless of which village players choose to spend their time in, they should find a very rewarding experience.
4) -2860103479678833022 (Bedrock 1.19)

It's one thing to spawn inside a village in Minecraft. This Bedrock Edition seed ratchets things up by giving players two villages at their spawn point. Both are located on a small island that has some nice forest land for early material harvesting. There are shores nearby to swim or boat to that can offer additional resources if needed.
There are also a few villages resting at (X: 280, Z: 680) and (X: 568, Z: 280), just in case players don't exactly enjoy the island life.
5) 5047520608323789056

Sometimes, villages in Minecraft have the poor fortune to generate near dangerous structures. Such is the case with this seed, which drops players into a village with a pillager outpost right in the middle of it. If that wasn't bad enough, scouting out the nearby village homes will reveal a small cave with a dungeon and a spawner block.
Keeping the villagers safe in this seed's spawn area won't be easy, but if players can pull it off, they can always move into the outpost as a prize.
6) 712262452098460 (Java 1.19.2)
This Minecraft seed certainly isn't for the faint of heart, but players who are cautious about their adventuring should be well-rewarded with two very interesting villages.
At approximately (X: -1,100, Z: 950), players will find a massive sinkhole in the middle of a lake with a village right next to it. They can gear up at the village near the sinkhole before descending into its depths, where they'll find yet another village at the bottom. Why a group of villagers would want to build their home near a lava-filled sinkhole is unknown, but they certainly won't get many visitors.
7) -440603570884475403 (Bedrock 1.19)

If fans aren't too picky about which village types they find near their spawn, this Bedrock Edition seed should be helpful. Players spawn right next to a ruined Nether portal, allowing them to quickly loot some extra items before heading in the direction of the villages.
Each settlement is located a short distance from its counterparts, with three villages being placed in a savanna biome and the one furthest from spawn resting in a plains biome.
Village Coordinates
- X: -312, Z: 136
- X: -264, Z: -168
- X: 168, Z: -296
- X: -728, Z: -328
In addition to the villages, there's also another ruined Nether portal that can be spotted at (X: 104, Z: -360).
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