When you first enter a new world in Minecraft, you will gradually progress through the game in order to get more powerful. New items, enchantments, gear, and more will be discovered that will give an edge over the various hostile mobs they will encounter.
However, there are a few things that you could do in order to boost their progress and become overpowered quickly in the game.
Here is a list of tips that you could try in order to gather valuable resources as soon as possible and become overpowered.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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A few tips to get overpowered early in Minecraft
1) Find diamonds

This famous tip might be known to many old and new players alike since it has been popularized in the community for years. There is no doubt that diamonds can be crafted into some of the strongest tools, weapons, and armor parts in the game.
Hence, you can quickly try to obtain decent iron gears and then head down to Y level -58 to mine for diamonds.
2) Enchant gear

At least in front of regular hostile mobs, you can instantly become more overpowered if they enchant their gear as soon as possible. In the early game, this can be done by quickly crafting an enchanting table and using lapis lazuli to enchant tools, weapons, and armor.
3) Find a village

Even when we see speedrunners that try to finish the game as soon as possible, most of the time, they try to find a village the moment they spawn. This is because villages are great for gathering basic resources from one peaceful area.
You can get wood, stone, iron, food, and even emeralds and other useful items from these settlements.
4) Trade with librarians

When users are in a village, they can also create a lectern to employ a villager as a librarian. These mobs trade various regular and rare enchantments that you can apply to any gear. Though there is a chance that Mojang could change the trading system based on which biome the librarian is from, as of now, the trading system is normal.
5) Practice combat with basic hostile mobs

Though this is not a simple tip to instantly make players overpowered, it is definitely something they must do to eventually be really good at the game. The game has a unique combat system that users should practice on basic mobs and safe areas in order to improve.
The rhythm of attacking with melee weapons, the angle to shoot arrows at, and even parkouring through the world to evade—all these things must be practiced to eventually become overpowered.
6) Learn to use water bucket MLG

A water bucket MLG is a way to save oneself from falling damage. The trick is to accurately pour water on the block that one is about to hit. You must practice this trick and keep a water bucket with them so that they do not die even if they take a wrong step and fall from a height.
7) Use gold to craft special food items

It is safe to say that players could find several gold ore blocks early in the game. Since gold gears are the worst, users usually have stacks of useless gold ingots sitting in storage.
They can instead be used to craft golden apples and carrots, which are great food items and even have special status effects on players. They can be created early in the game as emergency food during intense fights.
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