When players first enter a new Minecraft world, they quickly gather resources and build a safehouse to stay away from the hostile mobs that spawn at night. Initially, only a basic house with four walls and a roof could do the trick. However, after spending a few hours or days in the game, players might want to upgrade the area that they live in.
Not only will they want to upgrade the house that they sleep and live in, but they could also want to create a large base and decorate it. One of the things players can do to beautify a base further is to build unique and beautiful walls. Hence, here are some great wall designs to try.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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10 great wall designs to build in Minecraft
1) Japanese-style wall

This is a type of wall that traditional Japanese houses have inspired. Though in real life, houses are usually made of regular brown wood, cherry-stripped wood logs are used in this wall. Also, cherry fences, cherry trap doors, stone brick walls, dark prismarine stains, spruce slabs, and trap doors are used.
2) Bamboo wall

Since the bamboo wood set is another new group of blocks added to the game in the latest 1.20 update, a beautiful wall can also be built using them. This wall consists of bamboo blocks, trap doors, fences, stairs, and mosaic slabs.
3) Cherry wood wall

Another new wood set added with the 1.20 update comes with the new Cherry Grove biome. The cherry blocks are some of the most adorable blocks that can also be used to create a wall. This wall comprises cherry leaves, logs, trap doors, fences, slabs, planks, and buttons.
4) Reinforced stone wall

If players want to create a strong-looking wall, they can use several kinds of stone and cobblestone blocks. This fortified wall consists of stone bricks, stone bricks stairs, cobblestone, chiseled stone blocks, stone slabs, dark oak trap doors, dark oak buttons, and torchflower plants.
5) Evil-themed wall

This wall looks evil, mainly because of the pointed dripstone, darkish blocks, and one of the Nether stems. This can go brilliantly with an evil lair or castle build. It has a warped stem, blackstone brick stairs, deep-slate bricks, deep-slate brick walls, pointed dripstone, and iron bars.
6) Red and gray brick wall

Though players mostly use stone or deep-slate bricks, the game also has a regular brick block that is reddish-orange. Combining stone bricks and regular brick blocks can look great as a wall. This consists of brick stairs, slabs, blocks, stone blocks, deep-slate buttons, and vines.
7) Modern white wall

This particular block mainly consists of bright white blocks and glass blocks. Though diorite is not the most popular block for building, it can look great in certain places. The wall consists of polished diorite blocks, stairs, slabs, regular diorite blocks, white concrete, glass panes, and stone buttons.
8) Oaky wall

Since oak is one of the most common trees in the game, its blocks are great for making several kinds of structures, including walls. This simple wall consists of oak leaves, fences, slabs, and logs. The leaves are also water-logged, which looks great with and without the shaders.
9) Dark-themed wall

This particular wall has a combination of Overworld and Nether blocks. It also has a dark and eerie look, which can work with some builds and bases. It consists of spruce-strip wood logs, blackstone bricks, blackstone brick stairs, red nether brick walls, and warped vines.
10) Dark fort walls

This is another simple yet fortified wall players can build around their base. The dark green and gray color makes it look intimidating, while the spruce slabs contrast the overall look. The wall comprises dark prismarine stairs, deep slate bricks, and spruce slabs.
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