10 best statue build ideas for Minecraft

The right statue can be a perfect decoration for countless Minecraft builds (Image via ADHDcraft/YouTube)
The right statue can be a perfect decoration for countless Minecraft builds (Image via ADHDcraft/YouTube)

Minecraft builds come in countless shapes and sizes, but sometimes they can use a little help when it comes to nearby decorations. For fans who are building towns, cities, villages, or large complexes, it may not be a bad idea to set up a nice statue to go along with them. Furthermore, a statue build can exist well independently when placed in a particularly appealing location.

Much like other builds, statues are left entirely up to a Minecraft player's creativity. However, it isn't always easy to conceptualize a statue in-game, much less build one that looks great or complements another project.


If Minecraft fans are a little stuck and need some inspiration for their next statue build, the community has countless excellent examples to utilize.

10 fantastic statue builds for Minecraft 1.20 and above

1) Mayan Statue

Real-world architecture can inspire some of the best Minecraft builds, and this statue style is a perfect example. Mayan architecture has fortunately survived the wear of time, and players have incorporated some of the unforgettable design choices made by the ancient Mesoamerican civilization in their builds.

Since the 1.20 Trails & Tales update is heavily invested in archeology, these Mayan statues would look fantastic in an ancient ruin build or a stony temple project.

2) Giant Wolf

Wolves in Minecraft might look more cute than dangerous, but this statue clearly leans toward the latter. PearlescentMoon's mega statue, which utilizes various stone block types, encapsulates the silent and dangerous beauty of a wolf in the middle of a hunt.

It may not thematically fit every player's builds or world design philosophy, but if you have the materials, this massive statue is certainly worth considering.

3) Herobrine Statue


If Minecraft fans are looking for a particularly spooky statue, this Herobrine build by ADHDcraft may be worth the cost of the resources. Fortunately, the statue is constructed with easy-to-mine stone blocks, so you shouldn't have too much trouble collecting them. Moreover, there are only a few things that can strike fear like Herobrine, an urban legend even Mojang has recognized.

This build should fit perfectly in a castle, mansion, or even an entire horror escape map.

4) Villager Statues


Villagers have shown themselves capable of building homes, farms, and workplaces, among other things in Minecraft. But what if they built statues as an enduring testament to their culture? Goldrobin attempted to create that by forming various versions of villager-themed statues.

These statues take on contrasting appearances based on their overall aesthetic or biome, but they all still take on the iconic villager look. They look similar to Easter Island statues, but they look so good that they almost appear as if Mojang made them themselves.

5) Dragon Statue


Dragons are one of the most notable creatures in mythology around the world, so it's only right to place their visage in Minecraft as well. Sure, you can battle the Ender Dragon or use mods like Ice & Fire to experience living dragons, but sometimes you need a dragon statue to spruce up a location or build.

This creation by TheBigBaron utilizes a gorgeous base dragon statue made of stone and then adds several degrees of overgrowth and disrepair. This gives you options when it comes to blending the statue into a forest or jungle.

6) Automatic Frog Fountain


It's one thing to have a statue in Minecraft, but it doesn't hurt to toss in an extra function for it by making it a fountain. This build by BitGardener fits seamlessly into any aquatic building space, as well as biomes like swamps and rivers. Moreover, the frog theme has only gotten better thanks to the introduction of frog mobs in The Wild Update.

This particular design ensures that a steady flow of water can flow through the statue without overfilling a watery location or making it appear to be out of place.

7) Creeper Statue


You will need plenty of green blocks like concrete or slime blocks for this statue, but the good news is that you can pick whichever block type is the most accessible to you. Regardless, this creeper statue is both easy to build and looks fantastic, perfectly capturing the appearance of the most iconic creature in the sandbox game.

The resources can take less or more time to collect based on which ones are chosen, but the statue will look great when finished.

8) Pickaxe Statue


Minecraft players are never far away from their trusted pickaxe, making it the crucial tool that any fan knows well. Since that's the case, the visage of a pickaxe would make for a perfect statue no matter where it's placed, be it a multiplayer hub or a player settlement.

The best part of a pickaxe statue is its variety. You can make them out of various blocks to create the look of a wooden, stone, iron, gold, diamond, or netherite pickaxe.

9) Jade Dragon


Building a stone dragon statue is one thing, but recreating the jade dragon statues made popular in Eastern architecture is another story. Since jade isn't a stock material in Minecraft, you can substitute it with prismarine blocks, which carry the same blue-green coloration of faded jade statues.

This construct won't be easy to undertake due to its complexity and curvature requiring precise block placement. However, Minecraft fans certainly can't complain about the final results of a coiled dragon safeguarding any build they create.

10) Panda Statue/House


Just because Minecraft players are building a statue doesn't mean they can't make it functional in some way, which is exactly what this build by Saladifier shows. Using wool blocks of various colors, you can create a statue in the visage of a panda mob that is large and hollow enough to live in.

You should note that since this statue is made of wool instead of stone or other sturdy blocks, you should exercise caution to avoid breaking it on accident. It should also be kept away from fire or lava pools to avoid unintended combustion.

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