In a Minecraft world, loads of ores generate in the Overworld and the Nether realm. These are essentially uncommon types of rock blocks that yield specific resources when mined and are extremely important for players since several basic survival practices require certain resources.
There are a total of 11 types of ores: Coal, Copper, Lapis Lazuli, Iron, Redstone, Diamond, Gold, Emerald, Nether Quartz, Nether Gold, and Ancient Debris that each spawn at different Y levels in the world. If players know the sweet spot of every ore generation, they should easily find all of them in bulk.
Best method to find every ore in Minecraft (2022)
Coal ore

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Coal ores are common above sea level, generating the most at Y level 96. They can easily be found on a stony hill or mountain.
Copper ore

Copper ore usually generates the most at Y level 48. However, if players are lucky enough, they will find copper ore veins anywhere between Y level 48 and 0. These veins will yield stacks worth of raw copper.
Lapis Lazuli ore

The best place to find ore blocks of these mysterious and magical items is at Y level 0. However, it can be found anywhere between Y level 64 and -63.
Iron ore

Iron is quite common at every level but generates the most at Y level 232. Terrains rarely generate at these heights; hence, players can simply mine the top-most mountains. Alternatively, they can also find iron ore veins between Y level -8 and -58.
Redstone ore

The best way to get Redstone ore in the game is by mining at Y level -58. They also generate till Y level 16.
Diamond ore

Diamond ores generate most commonly at the deepest reaches of the Overworld, at Y level -58. Hence, the best way to get them is by mining at that level.
Gold ore

To obtain their ore, players need to dig around Y level -16 in every biome except Badlands, where these ores generate at any level.
Emerald ore

They generate the most at Y level 232, but can also be found below that. Since we are talking particularly about ores, they are slightly harder to find.
Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz can be found at any Y level in the Nether realm but are most common between Y level 10 and 114.
Nether Gold

Nether Gold ores can also be found at any Y level in the hellish realm, but they are most common at Y level 15.
Ancient Debris

Ancient Debris is arguably the rarest ore in the game. It hardly spawns at any Y level other than Y level 15.
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