In Minecraft, there are many villages scattered around the Overworld where villagers live peacefully. Usually, when players discover a village, they try to take these mobs back to their own base to create a trading hall through which they can obtain loads of valuable items and sell useless ones for emeralds. However, transporting villagers from one place to another is a tedious process.
Since these mobs cannot be leashed or lured, they need to be placed in a boat when traversing through flattish biomes. When it comes to vertical terrains, players need to find different ways to transport them.
A few methods to transport villagers uphill in Minecraft
Luring them with jobsite blocks

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Unemployed villagers will automatically pathfind through a hill if a jobsite block is placed at the top in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
Unemployed villagers have a tendency to search for an unclaimed jobsite block within a radius of 48 blocks. Once they find a block, they can automatically find a path that leads to the block in order to get employed.
If players want to transport a villager up a hill, they can place a jobsite block a few blocks away from the entity towards the top of the hill. The mob will automatically start climbing the hill in order to get employed. Once the mob becomes a professional, users can break the jobsite block and immediately place it again a few blocks higher than before. By rinsing and repeating the process, villagers can be gradually transported to the top of a hill.
Before doing this trick, make sure that there is a path with not more than a one-block-tall slope for villagers; otherwise, they will not be able to jump higher and will get stuck.
Using powered rails and minecarts

Rail system to push villagers up a hill in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
Another great method of transporting villagers to the top of any mountain is using powered rails and a minecart.
Powered rails can be placed along the mountain slope and activated using redstone torches. Regular rails can be attached to change the track's direction as well. Once done, users can place a regular minecart at the bottom of the mountain where the rail system begins and push the mob into the minecart.
Once the minecart is pushed, it will quickly transport the villager to the top of the hill with ease, provided all the powered rails are sufficiently powered with redstone torches.

Villagers can be easily transported to the top of any mountain using powered rails and minecart in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
Make sure to place enough regular rails at the end of the tracks so that the minecart does not bounce back and return to the foot of the mountain.
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