Books can be a very resourceful tool that players can use to do various things in the Minecraft world.
Players can get books by crafting them using three pieces of paper and one piece of leather, by finding them inside chests as treasure around the Minecraft world, or by breaking bookshelves with a pickaxe or axe not enchanted with silk touch.
What are books used for in Minecraft?
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Enchantment tables

Books are one of the ingredients that players will need in order to create an enchantment table in the game. It is recommended that players use enchantment tables before trying to defeat the ender dragon and finish the game.
Enchantment tables are what apply enchantments to the player's weapon or armor. Enchantments grant players with special abilities that can make them stronger.
Enchantment tables are created using one book, three obsidian, and two diamonds. This is one of the many useful items that players will have to obtain a book to create.
Bookshelves also increase the power of the enchantments on the table. Players will get stronger enchantments when book shelves are placed around the table.
Enchanting with an anvil

Books are needed if players want to add multiple enchantments to a piece of equipment. Enchanted books will have at least one enchantment on it that players can apply to their tool using an anvil.
Anvils are created using three iron blocks and four iron ingots. Players will have to use the enchanted book in the anvil, along with the weapon that they wish to enchant. This process will still cost the player enchantment levels.
Players can create enchanted books by placing a regular unenchanted book inside the enchantment menu, before placing lapis in the other box, and selecting the enchantment of their choice.
Players can also find enchanted books as treasure around the Minecraft world. These can be obtained by fishing, searching inside chests, and trading with certain villagers.
Book and Quill

Players will need a book to create book and quill. This item has no true purpose except creating a signed book for the player.
Book and Quill is crafted using one book, one feather, and one ink sac. Players should note that once the book is signed, they will not be able to go back and alter it.

Players will need books to create bookshelves in Minecraft. As mentioned above, bookshelves are what increase the power of the enchantments that are on the enchanting table.
Players will need six wooden planks and three books to create bookshelves. Players will want to place 15 bookshelves around the enchanting table in order to get the strongest enchantments possible in Minecraft.
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