Diamonds used to be the only rare resource in Minecraft, but then things changed. Now, multiple items are very rare to get, among which is ancient debris. This is an ore that can only be found in the nether and is used to make the powerful netherite armor. This resource is sort of like the diamond of that dimension. With the addition of the netherite armor, Minecraft made the nether a much more interesting place to explore. However, that doesn't make finding ancient debris easy.
Astonishingly, Reddit user Mashed_potato7147 recently shared an image showing a rare find with a cluster of ancient debris. The post below shows seven ancient debris blocks all in one place, which is surprising, to say the least.
Reacting to this post, another user by the name CURELMUS commented:
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“Bro literally used all his RNG for a decade in a second.”
This refers to how lucky the player was to find this many ancient debris blocks in one place.
Another user, MineSparks, explained how difficult finding such a cluster of ancient debris is.
PsychoSaladSong highlighted how the that many debris possibly could have spawned.

Some of the comments were mostly taking a dig at the rare find. User Dat-Lonley-Potato said that the original poster would never win the lottery now, implying they'd used up all their luck.
Ordinary-Hunter520 echoed a similar sentiment, saying that the original poster has level 100 luck. User Cool_Ad_7767 implied the OP had run out of luck for the year when they made the discovery.
Ancient debris in Minecraft

Ancient debris is one of the rarest items in Minecraft. But surprisingly, it is not the rarest ore. That would be the deep-slate emerald ore, which is only found in deeper mines. Getting two of them in one place is considered very rare. But perhaps, the spot for the rarest item might soon be taken by something else.
Minecraft 1.21 update will bring the heavy core block to the game. This block is used to make the mace, and it might just turn out to be the rarest item in this title.
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