Camel and Sniffer are the only two mobs that will be released with the Minecraft 1.20 update. The former was announced in October 2022, along with the 1.20 update announcement at Mojang's annual event, while the latter was also confirmed for the game at the end of the event as it won the mob vote against Rascal and Tuff Golem.
Mojang recently confirmed that they have completed the feature list for the update. This tells us that no other mobs besides these two will be added to the 1.20 update.
Both mobs are quite unique in their own way and have completely different behavior, appearance, interaction methods, and rarities. Here is everything you need to know about camels and sniffers in the Minecraft 1.20 update.
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Everything to know about Camels and Sniffers coming in Minecraft 1.20 update

Camels are passive mobs that can be found near desert villages. This mob is made to look like Dromedary from real life; hence, they will have one hump on their backs.
Camels wander aimlessly around the world and usually avoid hazards and other obstacles. They can also be found sitting for two to seven seconds before getting up.
Similar to horses, donkeys, etc., camels are rideable animals and can be equipped with a saddle; however, they are quite special since two players can ride them together. This makes camels great for multiplayer servers. Since they are quite tall, they can easily walk across 1.5-block-high walls or fences. This also allows them to move in water that is three blocks deep.

Apart from strolling and sprinting, camels can dash forward whenever players press jump. This allows them to cross ravines and other land irregularities into which regular rideable mobs could fall.
When it comes to breeding, players will feed them cactus to breed them. After breeding, a baby camel will spawn, while the parents will have a five-minute cooldown before they can breed again.

The Sniffer was first introduced before Mojang's annual event and was part of a mob vote with Rascal and Tuff Golem. It instantly became a fan favorite and won by gathering more than half the votes from the fans.
Sniffer will be the first ancient mob to be added to the game; however, they will be rare since they will not spawn naturally in the world. Players will need to find their eggs and hatch them to spawn these rare beasts.

Though it was previously mentioned that sniffer eggs would generate in underwater ruin chests, Mojang recently mentioned that they would be found in new suspicious sand blocks that spawn near desert temples and wells.
Once spawned, sniffers will start roaming around the world and occasionally sniff the land to find rare new torchflower seeds.
These are only obtainable through sniffers and will grow into unique plants. Sniffers can also be bred with the help of torchflower seeds.
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