Iron golems and ravagers can be two tough mobs to contend with in Minecraft, but what do battles look like when they face off against each other?
The two are fairly balanced with regards to their overall health and durability (both mobs possess 50 hearts' worth of health). Iron golems tend to win out in a one-on-one fight against an unridden ravager, though they sustain significant damage in the process.
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This means that if an iron golem stands toe-to-toe with multiple ravagers, it probably won't make it out alive without backup.
Minecraft: Interesting trick to protect iron golems from ravager damage

Though iron golems tend to have a slight edge against the aggressive ravagers in Minecraft, they don't achieve victory without a substantial cost. The latter typically incurs a large amount of damage, putting them close to death.
However, by using a lead, players can essentially pull the golems away from a ravager's ram or bite attack before throwing them back in to close the distance. This allows the golem to land a strike while remaining unscathed.
Ravagers charge primarily via their ramming attack that deals significant pushback on top of their normal damage. By "kiting" this mob, iron golems can avoid the brunt of its move while still being able to impose a beatdown.
Iron golems' knockback resistance also protects them to some degree, though minimization of risk is the ideal tactic to employ.
By utilizing a lead to essentially dance around the ravager, Minecraft players can save themselves a considerable amount of iron ingots. These items are used to heal iron golems.
In the long run, it is difficult to maintain a thriving village even with an adequate number of these protectors. Indubitably, pillagers and ravagers will always try to make life more difficult.
In theory, utilizing this kiting strategy with a lead can even work on other village threats. However, they must be melee attackers that an iron golem could feasibly avoid in Minecraft.
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