Listing all of Minecraft's structures (Image via Mojang)
Over Minecraft's history, Mojang has introduced a plethora of different structures that generate in the Overworld, Nether, and End when a world is created. These structures are classified as such within the game code and typically have specific mobs that spawn within them. They also set loot tables for the various chests strewn throughout their environs, though this isn't always the case.
Based on in-game classifications, 22 Minecraft structures can be found in the Overworld, the Nether, and the End. Some aspects of the game world are considered similar to structures (like monster rooms, amethyst geodes, desert wells, etc.), but these are classified as features instead of structures within the game's code.
Villages are one of Minecraft's most beloved structures among fans (Image via Mojang)
According to Mojang's in-game classification system during world rendering and terrain generation, there are 22 different structures to be found in the Overworld, Nether, and End. This number is certain to grow in future updates, but for the time being, a full list of the structures, their home biomes, and a short description of each can be found below:
Ancient City
Deep Dark biome at the height level Y=-51
A structure composed of multiple long corridors constructed out of deepslate and wool leading to a central portal-like edifice reminiscent of the Warden. Often heavily covered in sculk and includes several sculk blocks like shriekers, catalysts, and sensors.
Any Overworld biome except for the Deep Dark
A series of cavernous hallways supported with wooden frames and incomplete minecart rail systems.
Any Overworld biome
A maze of different stone blocks containing the likes of hostile mobs, including silverfish. Also typically contains portal frames to the End. In Java Edition, strongholds are generated in a way that only 128 can be found in a single world.
Trail Ruin
Jungles Old Growth Birch Forest Old Growth Pine Taiga Old Growth Spruce Taiga Snowy Taiga Taiga
A collection of small ancient buildings composed of terracotta. These structures contain suspicious gravel that can be brushed in archeology.
Trial Chamber
Any Overworld biome
A maze of copper blocks that contains various trial spawner blocks and the vaults that these spawners' keys can unlock for treasure. Many items and mobs introduced in Minecraft 1.21 are found within trial chambers. This structure is the only location where the breeze mob can be found and one of two areas where the bogged can spawn.
Buried Treasure
Beach Snowy Beach Stony Shore (Bedrock Edition)
Hidden chests on the shores of oceans that contain certain rare items like Hearts of the Sea. Can be found using buried treasure maps stored in shipwrecks and ocean ruins.
Desert Pyramid
Sandstone pyramids that contain hidden loot rooms beneath their main chamber. The loot chests found within are trapped with TNT and must be disarmed before opening. Can also contain rooms with suspicious sand that can be brushed for archeology.
Snowy Plains Snowy Taiga Snowy Slopes
Snowy structures that come in different variants, as some have basements and some do not. In the basement, players can find a Splash Potion of Weakness, a golden apple, and a captive zombie villager that can be cured with the above materials.
Jungle Pyramid
Jungle Bamboo Jungle (Java Edition)
Structures constructed of cobblestone with two loot chests, one of which is in the firing lines of a pressure plate arrow trap and the other is hidden behind a lever-based puzzle.
Pillager Outpost
Plains Desert Savanna Taiga Snowy Plains Grove Meadow Cherry Grove Frozen Peaks Jagged Peaks Stony Peaks Snowy Slopes Snowy Taiga (Bedrock Edition) Sunflower Plains (Bedrock Editon)
A tower-like structure that contains cages outside that can hold allays and iron golems captive. Spawns pillager mobs, and a loot chest can be found at the top of the watchtower.
Swamp Hut
Small wooden structures on stilts that contain witches and can spawn black cats. Contains little more than a crafting table and a cauldron.
A structure filled with villager homes and places of work for randomized villager professions. Constructed of different resources depending on the biome they are generated in. Spawns villagers, cats, and iron golems.
A variation of standard villages that are in a state of disrepair, with many blocks either being broken or replaced by cobwebs. Zombie villagers can spawn here as well as cats, but iron golems are nowhere to be found.
Woodland Mansion
Dark Forest Dripstone Caves (Bedrock Edition) Lush Caves (Bedrock Edition)
A huge structure with three floors and a collection of different rooms (some of which are hidden). Can spawn evoker and vindicator mobs and prevent them from despawning. Constructed primarily of cobblestone and dark oak wood. They can contain a prison that can occasionally hold allay mobs captive.
Ruined Portal
Any Overworld biome except the Deep Dark, and any Nether biome
A broken Nether portal composed of obsidian and crying obsidian, usually flanked by netherrack and gold blocks and a chest filled with golden items. These structures can also feature various stone blocks in the Overworld and blackstone blocks in the Nether.
Ocean Ruins
Deep Ocean Deep Frozen Ocean Deep Cold Ocean Deep Lukewarm Ocean Ocean Frozen Ocean Cold Ocean Warm Ocean Lukewarm Ocean
A small assortment of stone bricks or sandstone ruins. Drowned can spawn naturally here as well as suspicious sand or suspicious gravel. The suspicious sand in these ruins can be brushed to collect sniffer eggs among other goodies.
Deep Ocean Deep Frozen Ocean Deep Cold Ocean Deep Lukewarm Ocean Ocean Frozen Ocean Cold Ocean Warm Ocean Lukewarm Ocean Beach Snowy Beach
Wooden ships that can be found in varying states of decomposition and can contain up to three total loot chests, including those containing buried treasure maps.
Ocean Monument
Deep Ocean Deep Frozen Ocean Deep Cold Ocean Deep Lukewarm Ocean
Large underwater structures built of prismarine that spawn guardians as well as three elder guardians in three set locations. Wet sponges and blocks of gold will also naturally generate here.
Nether Fortress
Any Nether biomes
Fortresses composed of nether bricks and inhabited by blazes and wither skeletons. Can also feature nether wart farms.
Bastion Remnant
Nether Wastes Crimson Forest Warped Forest Soul Sand Valley
Blackstone castles containing piglins and piglin brutes as well as many gold blocks. Can be generated with many layouts which can alter the loot tables used in their loot chests.
Nether Fossil
Soul Sand Valley
Ancient fossils composed of bone blocks. Only classified as a structure in Java Edition. Considered a feature like Overworld fossils in Bedrock Edition.
End City
The End (Bedrock Edition) End Midlands (Java Edition) End Highlands (Java Edition)
A collection of purpur and end stone towers that contain loot chests and shulker mobs. Can occasionally generate with a connected end ship that contains elytra.
As previously noted, there are structure-esque entities within Minecraft's different dimensions that, while similar to structures, are not considered structures in the game classifications. These features are detailed below, to avoid any confusion for players who may think they've encountered a structure:
Monster Rooms
Desert Wells
Bonus Chests
Coral Reefs
Forest Rocks of Mossy Cobblestone
Underwater Clay Disks
Amethyst Geodes
Overworld Fossils
Nether Fossils (in Bedrock Edition)
Ice Spikes
Ice Patches
The End Exit Portal
End Gateways
End Platforms
The Void Starting Platform
Moreover, while all structures have their set locations to spawn in, the world seed determines their locations and (when applicable) their layouts and variations. Because of this and the differences between world generation in Java and Bedrock Edition, players who find a structure in a specific location in Java may not be able to find the same structure in the same location in Bedrock Edition.
Mojang may make adjustments in the future that alter how different structures function and where they can be found, but over the past several years, most structures have remained quite consistent when it comes to their layouts and home biomes. Anything can happen in future updates, but Mojang knows that fans have kept many structures and their locations in mind for several years now.