Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Part 1 is out for both Bedrock and Java Edition. In this update, Mojang has added amethyst geodes, new mobs, copper, and more.
As soon as the update was released, many players began their search for copper, the new metal ore in Minecraft. Copper ore veins can generate anywhere underground, but they are more common at height levels 48-49. Players can mine copper ore using a stone, iron, gold, diamond, or netherite pickaxe.
In the 1.17 update, Mojang introduced raw ores for gold, iron, and copper. Players can now use fortune to mine ore blocks and get lots of raw ores instead of the blocks. In addition, smelting raw copper will now produce copper ingots. Using nine copper ingots, players can craft a copper block.
Read: Copper ore in Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update: All you need to know
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Copper Block oxidization in Minecraft
Copper block is the first block that changes its color through different phases as time passes by. This occurs due to a special process known as oxidization. Chemistry students may already know about this term.
In Minecraft, copper blocks have four different stages:
- Normal state: No oxidization and bright orange texture.
- Exposed state: In the first stage of oxidization, the copper block starts turning green.
- Weathered state: The second stage of oxidization, copper block is almost completely green.
- Final state: Oxidization is complete. Copper block turns green from orange.
Unoxidized blocks have a higher chance of oxidization when surrounded by oxidized copper blocks. Players can also prevent oxidization or reverse oxidization in Minecraft.
How to prevent oxidization of copper blocks?

Players can prevent the oxidization process by waxing copper blocks. Use honeycombs on copper blocks to prevent them from oxidizing. Players can wax exposed and weathered copper blocks as well to prevent them from further oxidization.
To unwax a copper block, use an axe to scrape the waxing. After unwaxing, copper blocks will become prone to oxidization.
How to deoxidize copper blocks?
In Minecraft, players can reverse the oxidation of copper blocks. A lightning strike can revert to all levels of oxidation. However, this will require a thunderstorm, a lightning rod, and a trident enchanted with channeling.
Players can also use an axe to deoxidize copper blocks in Minecraft. An axe can remove oxidation layers one by one, unlike lightning which removes all oxidation layers instantly.
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