A dispenser is a block in Minecraft that players can use to dispense items. They're considered a type of redstone component and are a crucial part of many redstone structures, such as the arrow traps found in Minecraft’s jungle pyramids.
Droppers are another type of block in Minecraft. They are also redstone components, but they function differently than dispensers. Players can use droppers to transfer items from the block and into a nearby chest or container.
These two blocks may have a lot in common, but how different are they? This article takes a look at dispensers and dropper blocks, and highlights some key similarities and differences between them.
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Minecraft dispenser and dropper blocks: Similarities and differences

1) Classification
Although their specific functions differ, both dispensers and droppers are considered to be redstone components. They can also be used as containers.
2) Inventory
Dispensers and droppers each have nine inventory slots.
3) Mining
These blocks can only be mined if the player is using one of Minecraft’s pickaxe tools. If a dispenser or dropper is mined without a pickaxe, players will be able to recover the contents but not the block itself.

1) Crafting
Dispensers can be crafted by combining seven cobblestones, one redstone dust, and a bow. Droppers can also be crafted. These blocks also require seven cobblestones and one redstone dust, but their crafting recipe does not call for a bow.
2) Natural generation
Droppers do not generate naturally and must be crafted, however, a pair of dispensers will generate with every naturally occurring jungle temple.
3) Usage and behavior
A dispenser can activate an item once it's been dispensed. However, while droppers are able to drop items, they are unable to activate them.
This is best demonstrated by viewing the way the two blocks deal with buckets of water. When a dispenser is prompted to dispense a bucket of water, the block will release a torrent of water rather than the item itself. Droppers are the opposite. They will drop the bucket of water as an item, and not as water itself.
Dispenser and dropper blocks are a relevant and useful part of many Minecraft players' gameplay, and remain a valuable part of the game.
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