Mere hours ago, popular Minecraft streamer and YouTuber Clay “Dream” released the latest entry in his “Minecraft Manhunt” series, titled “Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters THE LAST MANHUNT.” The fan-favorite YouTube series is back as Dream takes on old friends Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound, BadBoyHalo, Awesamdude, and Antfrost acting as Hunters.
The video, like many before it, features Dream getting chased by the Hunters as he tries to escape and beat the Ender Dragon and effectively beat the game. This article will go in-depth and guide players through the challenge and its results.
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The Last Minecraft Manhunt: Best moments and who ended up winning
Chaotic beginnings

The Minecraft Manhunt kicks off as Dream makes a run for it from in-between the group of five hunters. The group spawns in a massive Badlands biome, so food as an early-game resource is scarce.
The first major breakthrough for Dream came six minutes in when he jumped off a block tower by catching a water bucket intended for BadBoyHalo in mid-air and using it to break his fall. Meanwhile, Antfrost and Awesamdude emerged with almost full diamond armor sets for everyone.
Dream soon passes through many structures like a ruined portal and a desert temple but doesn’t loot the latter. He does, however, get hay from a nearby desert village. He then jumps into the ocean and heads for an ocean monument. The hunters follow him inside but panic as they start to drown while being unable to mine out due to the “Mining Fatigue” status effect.
Meanwhile, Dream manages to stay underwater and uses a new water bucket trick to give himself small bursts of air.
The Nether

As the Hunters’ screams echo behind him, Dream makes his way across various biomes and ends up making a Nether portal deep underground. However, he goes into the Nether and then immediately comes back, fooling the Hunters. By the time his devious ploy was discovered, he stood well-equipped to take on the Hunters. After many skirmishes, he heads back to the Nether and makes his way to a Nether fortress while being pursued by the Hunters.
Fighting his way across the Fortress, Dream collects blaze rods and fends off his pursuers, before proceeding to barter with piglins. George suffered a hilarious amount of deaths and even expressed a wish to quit mid-game. A major win for Dream is the “Punch II” bow he makes in the Nether. While the bow helps him win various fights, it also helps him launch himself across wide gaps.
The Finish Line

The video then focuses on Dream proceeding towards the stronghold. After a chaos-filled encounter at the End portal, Dream manages to enter the End. He then heads up to one of the obsidian spikes and makes a Redstone contraption that lets him fly over the Dragon using a boat. Hunters (except George) follow and are killed one by one as Dream uses TNT and his height level to his advantage.
The final stretch of the video has Dream and George in a 1v1, with both players trying to throw each other off the one-block stairway into the void below. The encounter seems to end when George is knocked back and dies as he hits an Endstone block.
Dream, however, remains stuck in the stream of water leading straight into the void. However, with an impeccable display of skill, he managed to use his fishing rod to grab some ender pearls off of George’s body and teleport himself to land.
From there, the ecstatic Dream screams with joy as he is attacked by the hunters, who now have no armor or weapons. The Manhunt ends as he blows up all the End Crystals, slays the Ender Dragon, and shouts the words that follow each of his several Manhunt victories:

Final result: Dream wins.
Final series score: 3-2 in favor of Dream
Over the last few years, Dream has become the face of Minecraft's content creation community online, taking over YouTube, Reddit, and Twitch by storm. His skills in the game and various speedrunning records have made him one of the most popular Minecraft streamers around.
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