Flint is a helpful mineral item in Minecraft 1.18. When players first enter the game, they need to have several types of items to progress further.
When they are well settled in the overworld and want to enter the Nether, one of the items they need is flint, as it is crafted into flint and steel to light the Obsidian Nether portal.
This item can be easy or difficult to find depending on the user's gear and how they are trying to obtain it. Once acquired, they can be used to craft arrows, flint and steel, or a fletching table.
Other than that, gamers can trade them with a fletcher villager for emeralds. There are three primary ways to find this item.
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Most convenient way to find flint in Minecraft 1.18
Mining gravel with Fortune 3 shovel
The fastest way to get the item in Minecraft 1.18 is by mining gravel blocks with the help of a Fortune 3 enchanted shovel. One of the most common ways to get this item is by shoveling gravel.
Players can find graven blocks in the water beds and underground caves.

Once they find these blocks, users will need a Fortune 3 enchanted shovel to get the item from each gravel block. Flint has only a 10% chance of dropping if mined with a normal shovel. However, this increases up to 100% if they use a shovel with Fortune 3 enchantment.
This enchantment can be easily obtained by crafting tables or via librarian villager trades. Gamers will always get one flint from one gravel block with this enchanted shovel. Hence, this is the easiest and the most efficient way of getting the item.
Alternative ways of getting item

Other than that, players can simply shovel gravel with a regular tool to have a 10% chance of the item getting dropped. This is the simplest way, if not the most efficient one.

Users can also get the item by trading with a novice level fletcher villager. These villagers can trade 10 of these items if ten gravel blocks and one emerald are given. Even if this is an expensive way to get the item, it has a 100% success rate compared to simply shoveling gravel blocks.
Finally, these items can also be found as chest loot in either ruined Nether portals or chests inside fletcher village houses.
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