End cities in Minecraft are chockful of valuable and impressive loot for players to obtain.
Minecraft's final frontier is the End dimension, where players must journey to in order to face the Ender Dragon and ultimately beat the game.
However, there is a lot more to the End dimension that meets the eye, and there are various reasons for players to keep exploring it after defeating the final boss located there.
End cities are one of the most worthwhile locations and structures to explore in all of the End dimension.
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Inside of these cities and their accompanying end ships, players will be able to acquire diamonds, gold, enchanted tools and weapons, dragon heads, shulker shells, beetroot seeds, and Elytras.
This article will be showcasing the loot potential of End Cities, as well as briefly discussing where and how these structures can be located.
End Cities are one of the best sources for loot in Minecraft
End cities are large castle-like structures that can be found on the outer islands of the End dimensions. Inside these structures made of end stone bricks and purpur blocks, players can find an entire assortment of different valuable goodies.
Near end cities, players will often be able to find an an accompanying end ship, which is where some of the very best loot items and treasure can be found.
To find an end city, Minecraft players have two different routes that they can take. The first is to kill the Ender Dragon to gain access to the end gateway, which will teleport players that traverse through it to the outer islands.
Otherwise, players can instead build a massive bridge that spans the abyss between the main island where the Ender Dragon is located and one of the outer islands. A full article that offers more information regarding this strategy can be found here.

Once players have located an end city, they should immeidately begin collecting all of the valuable loot that can be obtained inside. As mentioned previously, Minecraft players can acquire so many different things of value from the chests inside of these structures.
To give some inspiration and showcase the loot potential, two images in this article have been included that showoff how much epic loot can be obtained from end cities and end ships.

Minecraft players have the potential to stuff their pockets with gold, diamonds, emeralds, enchanted armor, enchanted weapons, enchanted tools, beetroot seeds, saddles, horse armor, and so much more.
Looting end cities is a great way for players to get their hands on diamond tools that are enchanted with Efficiency V.
Inside of end cities and end ships, Minecraft players will also encounter shulker. These hostile box-shaped mobs should be killed for their valuable shells, which can be used to make shulker boxes.
Out of all the loot that can be obtained in the End, Minecraft players should be sure to get their hands on at least one Elytra. These powerful wings grant players the ability to fly, even in survival mode.
They can be found inside the treasure room of End Ships and should always be picked up, even if that means needing to make space in a player's inventory.
While on an end ship, players should keep their eyes peeled for dragon heads on the main deck as well.
Minecraft players are heavily encouraged to go seek out end cities and stuff their pockets with as much loot as they can carry.
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